in the C++ Fundamentals: Game Programming For Beginners, scarfy shows up on every alternate run; hitting debug run will show blank window, closing and hitting debug again and scarfy shows up. everything else works fine. here is the code:
#include “raylib.h”
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// window parameters
const int window_width {800};
const int window_height {600};
int rectVelocity {0};
int gravity {1000};
int JumpVelocity {-600};
bool isInAir {false};
float deltaT {GetFrameTime()};
InitWindow(window_width, window_height, "DASHER");
Texture2D scarfy = LoadTexture("textures/scarfy.png");
if (scarfy.width <= 0 || scarfy.height <= 0) {
printf("*********************Failed to load texture: textures/scarfy.png\n");
return 1; // Exit the program with an error code
Rectangle scarfyRec;
scarfyRec.width = scarfy.width / 6;
scarfyRec.height = scarfy.height;
Vector2 scarfyPos;
scarfyPos.x = window_width/2 - scarfyRec.width/2;
scarfyPos.y = window_height - scarfyRec.height;
//DrawTextureRec(scarfy, scarfyRec, scarfyPos, WHITE);
while (!WindowShouldClose())
deltaT = GetFrameTime();
BeginDrawing ();
ClearBackground (WHITE);
if (scarfyPos.y >= (window_height - scarfyRec.height))
rectVelocity = 0;
isInAir = false;
// add gravity
rectVelocity += gravity * deltaT;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !isInAir)
rectVelocity += JumpVelocity;
isInAir = true;
// update Y position
scarfyPos.y += rectVelocity * deltaT;
DrawTextureRec(scarfy, scarfyRec, scarfyPos, WHITE);
EndDrawing ();