Hi, I have been taking the section5 Toon Tanks part of UE4 C++ courses. I found some issues of the SpringArm and Camera that is attached to the PawnTank. Basically I when I drag a BP_PawnTank to stage, the SpringArm has different location from the PawnTank and the spring arm location seems to be always in the middle of stage.
This is what it looks like: (the tank can be put behind the camera)
I tried to find out why this is happening, and it seems the SpringArm has a relative location that’s always the negative of the PawnTank location.
I have no control over SpringArm location in BP_PawnTank which is different from the video tutorial.
I can adjust manually to avoid this strange location offset issue. But another related issue is when I move on to create the game mode blueprint and let the game mode creates the default Pawn class(which is BP_PawnTank). Basically I can move the pawn but the camera does not follow the movement of pawn any more. The camera always looks at the middle: (I put game start on the left)
I doubt if the CameraActor from the scene is used by default.
If I eject, click on the pawn and possess again, I will have follow-able camera again.
These are two strange issues I encountered and I cannot proceed right now. Please help and thanks in advance! (My UE version is 4.25.3, let me know if more information should be provided)