[Solved] Need Help with Script Error

I downloaded the Unity Standard Asset package from the store and imported it into the project (all under Standard Assets in the directory). When I tried to do as directed in the lesson and place the WaypointCircuit.cs into the “Circuit” game object, I received the following error:

“Can’t add script component ‘WaypointCircruit’ because the script class cannot be found. Make sure that there are no compile errors and that the file name and class name match.”

I checked and there are no compile errors in VS. This also happens with WaypointProgressTracker.cs, which is also in the Standard Assets. I can’t proceed with the lecture series until I can resolve this. Thank you ahead of time with any help you can provide.

EDIT: Here is what’s in the WaypointCircruit.cs file I have from the Standard Assets, if it helps:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;


namespace UnityStandardAssets.Utility
public class WaypointCircuit : MonoBehaviour
public WaypointList waypointList = new WaypointList();
[SerializeField] private bool smoothRoute = true;
private int numPoints;
private Vector3 points;
private float distances;

    public float editorVisualisationSubsteps = 100;
    public float Length { get; private set; }

    public Transform[] Waypoints
        get { return waypointList.items; }

    //this being here will save GC allocs
    private int p0n;
    private int p1n;
    private int p2n;
    private int p3n;

    private float i;
    private Vector3 P0;
    private Vector3 P1;
    private Vector3 P2;
    private Vector3 P3;

    // Use this for initialization
    private void Awake()
        if (Waypoints.Length > 1)
        numPoints = Waypoints.Length;

    public RoutePoint GetRoutePoint(float dist)
        // position and direction
        Vector3 p1 = GetRoutePosition(dist);
        Vector3 p2 = GetRoutePosition(dist + 0.1f);
        Vector3 delta = p2 - p1;
        return new RoutePoint(p1, delta.normalized);

    public Vector3 GetRoutePosition(float dist)
        int point = 0;

        if (Length == 0)
            Length = distances[distances.Length - 1];

        dist = Mathf.Repeat(dist, Length);

        while (distances[point] < dist)

        // get nearest two points, ensuring points wrap-around start & end of circuit
        p1n = ((point - 1) + numPoints)%numPoints;
        p2n = point;

        // found point numbers, now find interpolation value between the two middle points

        i = Mathf.InverseLerp(distances[p1n], distances[p2n], dist);

        if (smoothRoute)
            // smooth catmull-rom calculation between the two relevant points

            // get indices for the surrounding 2 points, because
            // four points are required by the catmull-rom function
            p0n = ((point - 2) + numPoints)%numPoints;
            p3n = (point + 1)%numPoints;

            // 2nd point may have been the 'last' point - a dupe of the first,
            // (to give a value of max track distance instead of zero)
            // but now it must be wrapped back to zero if that was the case.
            p2n = p2n%numPoints;

            P0 = points[p0n];
            P1 = points[p1n];
            P2 = points[p2n];
            P3 = points[p3n];

            return CatmullRom(P0, P1, P2, P3, i);
            // simple linear lerp between the two points:

            p1n = ((point - 1) + numPoints)%numPoints;
            p2n = point;

            return Vector3.Lerp(points[p1n], points[p2n], i);

    private Vector3 CatmullRom(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, float i)
        // comments are no use here... it's the catmull-rom equation.
        // Un-magic this, lord vector!
        return 0.5f*
               ((2*p1) + (-p0 + p2)*i + (2*p0 - 5*p1 + 4*p2 - p3)*i*i +
                (-p0 + 3*p1 - 3*p2 + p3)*i*i*i);

    private void CachePositionsAndDistances()
        // transfer the position of each point and distances between points to arrays for
        // speed of lookup at runtime
        points = new Vector3[Waypoints.Length + 1];
        distances = new float[Waypoints.Length + 1];

        float accumulateDistance = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i)
            var t1 = Waypoints[(i)%Waypoints.Length];
            var t2 = Waypoints[(i + 1)%Waypoints.Length];
            if (t1 != null && t2 != null)
                Vector3 p1 = t1.position;
                Vector3 p2 = t2.position;
                points[i] = Waypoints[i%Waypoints.Length].position;
                distances[i] = accumulateDistance;
                accumulateDistance += (p1 - p2).magnitude;

    private void OnDrawGizmos()

    private void OnDrawGizmosSelected()

    private void DrawGizmos(bool selected)
        waypointList.circuit = this;
        if (Waypoints.Length > 1)
            numPoints = Waypoints.Length;

            Length = distances[distances.Length - 1];

            Gizmos.color = selected ? Color.yellow : new Color(1, 1, 0, 0.5f);
            Vector3 prev = Waypoints[0].position;
            if (smoothRoute)
                for (float dist = 0; dist < Length; dist += Length/editorVisualisationSubsteps)
                    Vector3 next = GetRoutePosition(dist + 1);
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(prev, next);
                    prev = next;
                Gizmos.DrawLine(prev, Waypoints[0].position);
                for (int n = 0; n < Waypoints.Length; ++n)
                    Vector3 next = Waypoints[(n + 1)%Waypoints.Length].position;
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(prev, next);
                    prev = next;

    public class WaypointList
        public WaypointCircuit circuit;
        public Transform[] items = new Transform[0];

    public struct RoutePoint
        public Vector3 position;
        public Vector3 direction;

        public RoutePoint(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction)
            this.position = position;
            this.direction = direction;


namespace UnityStandardAssets.Utility.Inspector
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof (WaypointCircuit.WaypointList))]
public class WaypointListDrawer : PropertyDrawer
private float lineHeight = 18;
private float spacing = 4;

    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);

        float x = position.x;
        float y = position.y;
        float inspectorWidth = position.width;

        // Draw label

        // Don't make child fields be indented
        var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

        var items = property.FindPropertyRelative("items");
        var titles = new string[] {"Transform", "", "", ""};
        var props = new string[] {"transform", "^", "v", "-"};
        var widths = new float[] {.7f, .1f, .1f, .1f};
        float lineHeight = 18;
        bool changedLength = false;
        if (items.arraySize > 0)
            for (int i = -1; i < items.arraySize; ++i)
                var item = items.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);

                float rowX = x;
                for (int n = 0; n < props.Length; ++n)
                    float w = widths[n]*inspectorWidth;

                    // Calculate rects
                    Rect rect = new Rect(rowX, y, w, lineHeight);
                    rowX += w;

                    if (i == -1)
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, titles[n]);
                        if (n == 0)
                            EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, item.objectReferenceValue, typeof (Transform), true);
                            if (GUI.Button(rect, props[n]))
                                switch (props[n])
                                    case "-":
                                        changedLength = true;
                                    case "v":
                                        if (i > 0)
                                            items.MoveArrayElement(i, i + 1);
                                    case "^":
                                        if (i < items.arraySize - 1)
                                            items.MoveArrayElement(i, i - 1);

                y += lineHeight + spacing;
                if (changedLength)
            // add button
            var addButtonRect = new Rect((x + position.width) - widths[widths.Length - 1]*inspectorWidth, y,
                                         widths[widths.Length - 1]*inspectorWidth, lineHeight);
            if (GUI.Button(addButtonRect, "+"))

            y += lineHeight + spacing;

        // add all button
        var addAllButtonRect = new Rect(x, y, inspectorWidth, lineHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(addAllButtonRect, "Assign using all child objects"))
            var circuit = property.FindPropertyRelative("circuit").objectReferenceValue as WaypointCircuit;
            var children = new Transform[circuit.transform.childCount];
            int n = 0;
            foreach (Transform child in circuit.transform)
                children[n++] = child;
            Array.Sort(children, new TransformNameComparer());
            circuit.waypointList.items = new Transform[children.Length];
            for (n = 0; n < children.Length; ++n)
                circuit.waypointList.items[n] = children[n];
        y += lineHeight + spacing;

        // rename all button
        var renameButtonRect = new Rect(x, y, inspectorWidth, lineHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(renameButtonRect, "Auto Rename numerically from this order"))
            var circuit = property.FindPropertyRelative("circuit").objectReferenceValue as WaypointCircuit;
            int n = 0;
            foreach (Transform child in circuit.waypointList.items)
                child.name = "Waypoint " + (n++).ToString("000");
        y += lineHeight + spacing;

        // Set indent back to what it was
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;

    public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        SerializedProperty items = property.FindPropertyRelative("items");
        float lineAndSpace = lineHeight + spacing;
        return 40 + (items.arraySize*lineAndSpace) + lineAndSpace;

    // comparer for check distances in ray cast hits
    public class TransformNameComparer : IComparer
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            return ((Transform) x).name.CompareTo(((Transform) y).name);


Hi Cole,

Maybe there is an issue with VS. Please watch lecture “Fixing Visual Studio Problems” (currently #16).

See also:

1 Like

That worked, thank you; for anyone else with the same problem, I had to skip to lessons:

  1. Introduction to Unity Timeline (watch)
  2. Unity Timeline For Player Path (follow)

to get back on track.

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