[SOLVED!] How to fix Unverified Breakpoints

Running the program and compiling the program are entirely different things. That command quoted above compiles the program with those two files. Since the output name wasn’t specified it will be named after the first file listed (main.exe)

That’s a terminal that was launched for the build task. Just launch via Debug > Start with(or without) Debugging

Hi @DanM,

Ohhhhh … I understand now. And sorry for me typing “run” I meant to say “compile.” So:
Theoretically, you could compile typing cl.... but you would need to put in /Fe:BCGame for it to compile correctly without creating a main.exe file, correct?

Question: When I compile should I first press “Ctrl+Shift+B” and then Debug > Start with/without Debugging? or can I directly press Start with/without Debugging?

Thank you so much! I better understand the way VS Code works so hopefully I will be able to fix my problems in the future (if not I’ll always have you…)


P.S. Thanks for telling me about Start > Start with/without Debugging. That was the answer I was looking for all along!

What do you mean by “correctly”? You can call the executable anything you want, you would just have to modify the launch config accordingly specifically this line

"program": "build/BCGame.exe",

No you don’t have to compile before hand because the launch task builds before launching and this is what this line does

"preLaunchTask": "Build"

i.e. before launching execute the task with a label “Build”

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Hello @DanM,

Yeah, that what I meant to say.

Ok, that’s good news!

Thank you so much again! I think this saga is finally over!

Thanks you so so much!

P.S. Thanks!!! You don’t know how much this has been bothering me but it’s finally over thanks to you! :wink:

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If you’re looking to solve unverified breakpoints:

If your cl.exe file isn’t working:

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