[Solved] How fix problem with collider surface?

My problem is that ball sprites climb on paddle sprites. But pivots of ball and paddle are center. How to fix that?

Hi @vadik_templar,

What have you set the radius of your circle collider to? Maybe pop up screenshots of both the paddle and the ball, selected with their details viewable in the Inspector. :slight_smile:

Make sure that the collider mode is under continuous, if it is discrete this kind of problem may happen.

The engine calculates the collisions under discrete mode only once per frame (this is the default mode since it is lighter for the program to run), when the collision mode is under continuous, it will detect collisions even between frames. So in this case, the collision is probably discrete and the ball is too fast for the engine to detect the exact position that the collision occurs

Thank you @Joao_Dalvi. Your advice help me. Now everything works good.


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