[SOLVED] Cant find Quest

when I create a quest and try that the dialogue editor checks in which state of the progress it is I always get these errors. Everything else works. I copyed quest, quest list, quest status exacly and I dont know why it doesen work.

I tryed logging it and the name is goining through

Ok I fixed it with this simple statement that I added, what happend was:I didnt have any quest states so it returned null because nothing was in the foreach loop and Itried to check null. To fix it just add this statement, but maybe I am the only one with this error:

 public bool? Evaluate(string predicate, string[] parameters)
            switch (predicate)
                case "HasQuest":
                    return HasQuest(Quest.GetByName(parameters[0]));
                case "CompletedQuest":
                    QuestStatus status = GetQuestStatus(Quest.GetByName(parameters[0]));

                    if(status == null)
                        return false;

                    return status.IsComplete();
            return null;

Which statement did you add? I’m guessing

                    if(status == null)
                        return false;

as that would most likely deal with an issue where the quest does not exist, and a potential null reference.

Yes that was the Statement, with this it works

Or it doesent work… I dont know whats wrong now it is just selecting awnsers at random. It seems like it diesen know, that the quest exicests Event though I have it in a Ressource folder and it is named Swamp Donkey what am I suposed to Do?

Ok last comment. It know works I dont know why but I deleted my savefile all my quests and all my dialogues when I then created them again they worked.

It could have been corruption in the Save File (wrong or partial info saved when an error occurred). I’m glad you’re back on track.

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