Slightly different - are there advantages?

I came up with this for the lesson challenge, which is slightly different to the answer provided.
Is there any dis/advantage to using one approach over the other?
(I’m not clear on the purpose of the distinction between ‘hardware cursor’ and ‘cursor’, unless maybe UE supports custom mouse pointers and the ‘hardware cursor’ settings won’t hide those?)

I’ve never actually seen the hardware cursor used before as it has always been the other one. UE can use custom cursors as can be seen in many games although again, I’ve never used one myself.

I’m glad you’re trying things out.

If this works, this is fine but remember the other method too.

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I’m also curious about how a hardware cursor is used. However, here’s what I do know from ~2 minutes of toying around with cursor settings.

If you go to Project Settings > Engine > User Interface, you’ll see both hardware cursors and software cursors. Software cursors (from what I’ve gathered) are where you can swap out your cursor image with a widget. Ex: I tried to have a custom hand image as my cursor on a different project. I’m less certain about hardware cursors, BUT going back to the screenshot, your node is selecting which hardware cursor to use (I think).

The original question: “How is this different than in the video?” → I believe you’re trying to select which hardware cursor to use whereas “Show Cursor” dictates whether to hide it completely or not. “None” might be the same, but I suspect not entirely. The only reason I say “might” is because a hidden cursor can still interact with the game if unlocked (“locked” = stuck to center of the screen, such as in a First Person Shooter).

If you do learn more, I’d certainly be interested!

I suspect although haven’t tried, that you could use use standard cursor names like crosshair or pointer with the hardware cursor. However, the naming may very from OS to OS. This would be handy if you want to use a standard cursor in your game.

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