Generally I am not a big fan of having a ton of singletons in a project. Typically I will create some manager class that is a singleton then create references to scripts that other scripts need outside access to. (IE: PersistantObjects.Instance.LevelManager) But when I do end up having multiples, I typically make an abstract generic SingletonMonoBehaviour class:
using UnityEngine;
public abstract class SingletonMonoBehaviour<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour
#region Properties:
public static T Instance { get; private set; }
#region MonoBehaviour Callback Method(s):
protected virtual void Awake()
if (Instance != null)
Instance = this as T;
Then to use:
public class SomeSingletonClass : SingletonMonoBehaviour<SomeSingletonClass>
#region MonoBehaviour Callback Method(s):
protected override void Awake()
// Make sure to call base.Awake() if you override the Awake() method:
// Some additional logic for this class Awake:
Hope this helps: Cheers