Short movie is finished!

Finally it’s finished. Unfortunately it’s not exactly what I expected, but since this is my first short movie, I am fine with it. The quality is not the best because of low samples, but I hope it’s still watchable. Every advice and critic is welcome!


That’s incredible. Good job.

How long did it take to make that?

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Thank you! :smile:
I started it on October, and finished it a few days ago (8th February to be punctual).


This turned out great, congratulations it is a outstanding piece, although i feel like the abrupt jump cuts made it a bit tiresome, what did you use for the editing?


Thank you! You are not the only one who told me that the cuts are way too much and also annoying, so this is one of the main things which I need to improve for next time. And also, I used Videopad Video Editor.

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Thats really nice work.
I particularly noticed the nice sfx for the metal wheel rolling close up :wink:


Well done! I agree about the jump cuts, but otherwise, this is fantastic progress for a few months of work.

I am glad that somebody noticed it! :smiley:

Thank you! :blush:

Hi this is amazing love the opening title reminds me of pixar and scrat from ice age

You have done a good job bringing these characters to life

Thank you! :smiley:
I am glad you like it :blush:

Oustanding work, especially for your first short. I look forward to seeing amazing things from your studio in the coming years!

Thank you! :smiley:
By the way the studio is not real (yet at least) :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty awesome for a first!

Thank you! :smiley:

wow looks great! must have taken forever to render

Thanks! :smile:
It was about 5 minute per frame, so it was not that much. However, because of that, the quality turned out much lower than it should be, but it’s okay :stuck_out_tongue:

Beautifully designed, textured and lit!

Thank you! Much appreciated :blush:

This is amazing!

The design and texture of each character is excelent, combined with good sound design.

For advice, I think less jump cuts and subtle music could improve the setting.

Your work inspires me to study 3D animation.

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