Short before giving up on physics

I watched the first physics video (bowling & pins) now like 10 times and since 2.5 hours i try to get that physics working.

frame 1 - press I - LocRotScale - body animated - press I - all keyframes there
frame 10 - move to new location - press I - LocRotScale - and as soon as I untick the “animated” the object snaps back to starting position.

it works in a new file, but not in the lamp scene – there must be kind of bug or some damaged data structures inside the file, it can’t do physics anymore.
giving up now. this physics clicking and pressing I while the mouse hovers over a checkbox… this is so fragile and user-unfriendly at a maximum level. i don’t want that anymore.
highly frustrated.

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Animation is separate from Physics. The key bit in that bowling pin lecture is animating the animation off so the Physics takes over. That jumping back thing happens to Marc in that lecture too, I find it highly annoying as well, illogical.

Have you tried using auto keyframing? Little button to the left of the animation play set.

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If you think your .blend file is a bit buggy (I can!).

Open a new .blend file. Use File append the collection of your objects or just single objects. And do the things one step at a time. Then test and add a next one …

Keep it simple

  • manual animation from frame 1 to 10
  • on ten switch on physics.
  • Be sure your animation frame lengthe is 250 and not ten!. Because then blender will go back to 1.

thanks for the reply - yes I tried auto keyframing but… it doesn’t do anything.
If you see, what I plan with the lamp animation, you will understand, why this must work :crazy_face:
want to see that coming alive.
I put the file up on dropbox - would be awesome if you could take a look - maybe you see something, I didn’t …
I tried importing all to a new file - no success.

on the bowling ball item in Object Mode:
Frame 269 - First keyframe, initial position, Animation checked
Frame 275 - Momentum keyframe, Animation turned off, physics should take over (but doesn’t)

I am pretty sure, no further explanation needed… its perfectly clear, what shall happen :wink:

thank you very much in advance.

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