Shop item prices updating in UI, but not in transaction

I’ve triple checked everything I could possibly think of at this point, and the referenced code matches up(to my knowledge), so let’s see if we can fix this.

When I open up any shop, all of the items and their correctly discounted prices show up. When I purchase an item with a discount, my wallet actually ends up reflecting a new balance as if I bought the item at full price. Same deal with selling; if I go to the selling menu, the properly discounted price shows up, but if I sell the item, my balance is back up to where it started as if I didn’t buy anything.

Basically, the discounts are only being reflected in the UI, and not in the actual transaction.

I am willing to share more code if needed.
Here are the scripts that I believe are in-play here:


using GameDevTV.Inventories;
using GameDevTV.Saving;
using RPG.Control;
using RPG.Inventories;
using RPG.Stats;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace RPG.Shops
    public class Shop : MonoBehaviour, IRaycastable, ISaveable
        public event Action OnChange;

        [SerializeField] string shopName;
        [Range(0, 100)]
        [SerializeField] float sellingPercentage = 80f;

        [SerializeField] StockItemConfig[] stockConfig;

        Dictionary<InventoryItem, int> transaction = new Dictionary<InventoryItem, int>();
        Dictionary<InventoryItem, int> stockSold = new Dictionary<InventoryItem, int>();
        Shopper currentShopper;
        ItemCategory filter;

        bool isBuyingMode = true;

        class StockItemConfig
            public InventoryItem item;
            public int initialStock;
            [Range(0, 100)]
            public float buyingDiscountPercent;
            public int levelRequiredToUnlock;

        public void SetShopper(Shopper shopper)
            currentShopper = shopper;

        public IEnumerable<ShopItem> GetFilteredItems()
            foreach (ShopItem shopItem in GetAllItems())
                InventoryItem item = shopItem.GetInventoryItem();
                if (filter == ItemCategory.None || item.GetCategory() == filter)
                    yield return shopItem;

        public IEnumerable<ShopItem> GetAllItems()
            Dictionary<InventoryItem, float> prices = GetPrices();
            Dictionary<InventoryItem, int> availabilities = GetAvailabilities();

            foreach (InventoryItem item in availabilities.Keys)
                if (availabilities[item] <= 0) continue;

                float price = prices[item];
                int quantityInTransation = 0;
                transaction.TryGetValue(item, out quantityInTransation);
                int availability = availabilities[item];
                yield return new ShopItem(item, availability, price, quantityInTransation); //The ShopItem works as a middle man / interface between UI and the backend

        public void SelectFilter(ItemCategory category)
            filter = category;

        public ItemCategory GetFilter()
            return filter;

        public void ConfirmTransaction()
            Inventory shopperInventory = currentShopper.GetComponent<Inventory>();
            Wallet wallet = currentShopper.GetComponent<Wallet>();
            if (shopperInventory == null || wallet == null) return;

            foreach (ShopItem shopItem in GetAllItems())
                InventoryItem item = shopItem.GetInventoryItem();
                int quantityInTransation = shopItem.GetQuantity();
                float price = item.GetPrice();

                for (int i = 0; i < quantityInTransation; i++) //This for loop goes through each item within the transaction and adds it one by one so non-stackables wont be stacked.
                    if (isBuyingMode)
                        BuyItem(shopperInventory, wallet, item, price);
                        SellItem(shopperInventory, wallet, item, price);

        public void SelectMode(bool isBuying)
            isBuyingMode = isBuying;

        public bool IsBuyingMode()
            return isBuyingMode;

        public string GetShopName()
            return shopName;

        public bool CanTransact()
            if (IsTransactionEmpty()) return false;
            if (!HasSufficientFunds()) return false;
            if (!HasInventorySpace()) return false;

            return true;

        public float TransactionTotal()
            float transactionTotal = 0;

            foreach (var item in GetAllItems())
                transactionTotal += item.GetPrice() * item.GetQuantity();
            return transactionTotal;

        public void AddToTransaction(InventoryItem item, int quantity)
            if (!transaction.ContainsKey(item))
                transaction[item] = 0;

            var availabilities = GetAvailabilities();
            int availability = availabilities[item];

            if (transaction[item] + quantity > availability)
                transaction[item] = availability;
                transaction[item] += quantity;

            if (transaction[item] <= 0)

        public CursorType GetCursorType()
            return CursorType.Shop;

        public bool HandleRaycast(PlayerController callingController)
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            return true;
        public bool HasSufficientFunds()
            if (!isBuyingMode) return true;

            Wallet playerWallet = currentShopper.GetComponent<Wallet>();
            if (playerWallet == null)
                print("playerWallet is null for whatever reason");
                return false;

            return playerWallet.GetBalance() >= TransactionTotal();
        public bool HasInventorySpace()
            if (!isBuyingMode) return true;

            Inventory playerInventory = currentShopper.GetComponent<Inventory>();
            if (playerInventory == null)
                print("Playerinventory is null");
                return false;

            List<InventoryItem> flatItems = new List<InventoryItem>();
            foreach (var shopItem in GetAllItems())
                InventoryItem item = shopItem.GetInventoryItem();
                int quantityInTransation = shopItem.GetQuantity();
                for (int i = 0; i < quantityInTransation; i++)
            return playerInventory.HasSpaceFor(flatItems);

        void BuyItem(Inventory shopperInventory, Wallet wallet, InventoryItem item, float price)
            if (wallet.GetBalance() < price) return;
            bool success = shopperInventory.AddToFirstEmptySlot(item, 1);

            if (success)
                AddToTransaction(item, -1);
                if (!stockSold.ContainsKey(item))
                    stockSold[item] = 0;

        void SellItem(Inventory shopperInventory, Wallet wallet, InventoryItem item, float price)
            int slot = FindFirstItemSlot(shopperInventory, item);
            if (slot == -1) return;

            AddToTransaction(item, -1);
            shopperInventory.RemoveFromSlot(slot, 1);
            if (!stockSold.ContainsKey(item))
                stockSold[item] = 0;

        int FindFirstItemSlot(Inventory shopperInventory, InventoryItem item)
            for (int i = 0; i < shopperInventory.GetSize(); i++)
                if (shopperInventory.GetItemInSlot(i) == item)
                    return i;
            return -1;

        Dictionary<InventoryItem, float> GetPrices()
            Dictionary<InventoryItem, float> prices = new Dictionary<InventoryItem, float>();

            foreach (var config in GetAvailableConfigs())
                if (isBuyingMode)
                    if (!prices.ContainsKey(config.item))
                        prices[config.item] = config.item.GetPrice();
                    prices[config.item] *= (1 - config.buyingDiscountPercent / 100);
                    prices[config.item] = config.item.GetPrice() * (sellingPercentage / 100);

            return prices;

        Dictionary<InventoryItem, int> GetAvailabilities()
            Dictionary<InventoryItem, int> availabilities = new Dictionary<InventoryItem, int>();

            foreach (var config in GetAvailableConfigs())
                if (isBuyingMode)
                    if (!availabilities.ContainsKey(config.item))
                        int soldAmount = 0;
                        stockSold.TryGetValue(config.item, out soldAmount);
                        availabilities[config.item] = -soldAmount;
                    availabilities[config.item] += config.initialStock; //accumulates all availabilities for one item so that way multiple instances of an item can still be considered the same inventory item.
                    availabilities[config.item] = CountItemsInInventory(config.item);

            return availabilities;

        IEnumerable<StockItemConfig> GetAvailableConfigs()
            int shopperLevel = GetShopperLevel();
            foreach (var config in stockConfig)
                if (config.levelRequiredToUnlock > shopperLevel) continue;

                yield return config;

        int CountItemsInInventory(InventoryItem item)
            var shopperInventory = currentShopper.GetComponent<Inventory>();
            int total = 0;
            if (shopperInventory == null) return 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < shopperInventory.GetSize(); i++)
                if (shopperInventory.GetItemInSlot(i) == item)
                    total += shopperInventory.GetNumberInSlot(i);
            return total;

        bool IsTransactionEmpty()
            return transaction.Count == 0;

        int GetShopperLevel()
            BaseStats stats = currentShopper.GetComponent<BaseStats>();
            if (stats == null) return 0;

            return stats.GetLevel();

        public object CaptureState()
            Dictionary<string, int> saveObject = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            foreach (var pair in stockSold)
                saveObject[pair.Key.GetItemID()] = pair.Value;
            return saveObject;

        public void RestoreState(object state)
            Dictionary<string, int> saveObject = (Dictionary<string, int>) state;
            foreach (var pair in saveObject)
                stockSold[InventoryItem.GetFromID(pair.Key)] = pair.Value;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using GameDevTV.Saving;

namespace RPG.Inventories
    public class Wallet : MonoBehaviour, ISaveable
        [SerializeField] float startingBalance = 100f;

        float currentBalance;

        public event Action OnChange;

        void Awake()
            currentBalance = startingBalance;

        public float GetBalance()
            return currentBalance;

        public void UpdateBalance(float amount)
            currentBalance += amount;

        public object CaptureState()
            return currentBalance;

        public void RestoreState(object state)
            currentBalance = (float) state;

I believe this is the culprit. This is in Confirm Transaction, where the retail price is being charged instead of the sale price. Take a look at the line float price = item.GetPrice();

The item.price is the retail price.
shopItem.price is the sale price…

You found it. Brian, I have so many thanks for you, it’s unbelievable. You’re saving countless gray hairs for me haha

Glad to help.

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