I have followed the instructions of this tutorial and when I get to this point of setting xRange and xSpeed my ship still goes off the screen at the settings given in the tutorial. If i looks at my frame rate it is showing in the 200-500 frames a second range which is quite a bit larger than the 70-80 the tutorial was showing. I have included screenshots and my script. I don’t quite know how to get my ship at the 0,0,0 vector3 transform position so that my MathF.Clamp(rawXPos, -xRange, xRange) xRange’s will be - and possitive the same number. I think i may have messed up when childing my ship to my camera. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you.
I figured it out. I needed to use an empty game object that was childed to the camera and then child the asset store ship to the empty game object and prefab it…
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