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Not much going on… just got rid of the menu on the left and docked it with the content browser :slight_smile:

I am happy with the default layout while watching the course on a second screen for now

  • Here’s my screen layout. Kept all the tab intact still trying to have my view port as large as possible.

my set-up

My preferable layout:

2 monitors with basic layout for now, everything changes depending on the needs.

I think I will edit it few times more as we go ) and in the end will have just 2-3 layout presets - at list that’s how it went with all programs before !)

1st preset is usually the biggest one with as many monitors as I can (ironically now its - one)
2nd is for some specific task
and 3d is usually the perfect one for laptop, but we will see about it, im thinking of investing into a pc

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