Shader Examples missing from resources on the course

The material “Shader Examples” is missing from resources on the course, Node Explanation Examples.blend file.

Just downloaded it from the GameDev site, on that same lecture resources tab, were you using Udemy?

It is on the resources tab from GameDev that I already downloaded. (I don´t have the course on Udemy, only on GameDev)

Then it is there in the resources folder. I downloaded it from there. It has the material in the shader tab, of the Monkey head object, the materials for glass and old school plastic they just need hooking up to the Principled BDSF.

Yeah, this one is. But the material named “Shader Examples” showed on the lecture isn´t.

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Screenshot from the lecture.

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Go to the next lecture (Procedural texture Nodes), and there is a “Resources” file of the same name. This one has the graph you see.


Thank you Todd! The one from the next lecture is complete.


Thanks for that Todd. I hunted backwards in time not forwards, lol.

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