Setting "AttackDamage" and "AttackKnockback" in Player and Enemy

In PlayerAttackingState → Enter, we are setting the Attack with damage and knockback values from the Attack data class
But in the EnemyAttackingState → Enter, we are setting the Attack with damage and knockback values from the EnemyStateMachine.
Is it because the Enemy has only one attack animation and the player has multiple?

Essentially, yes. Nathan didn’t set the enemies up for combo attacks. You could do a similar scheme, and even go so far as to have the enemy choose a random attack if you wish. (In my own project, I set aside combo attacks in favor of a random attack in both the player and the enemy).

Thanks, Brian! Yeah, I plan to make all those changes once the course is complete.

Also, can I skip the first part of the RPG Course and continue with the rest of the 3 parts? I actually tried finishing the first part(twice) and something or the other goes wrong. I plan on completing it, but failing is frustrating after progressing up to 75% of the course.

I’m also looking forward to your implementation of the Saving System using JSON.

The courses are technically self contained, although you get the most benefit out of doing them in order. That being said, a lot of the end stuff in RPG is polishing and shouldn’t affect the other three courses much.

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