Setting actionPoints in SerializeField

As mentioned in the lesson, the actionPoints could be set as a const or within a SerializedField.
I went ahead and set my actionPoints in a SerializeField within the Unit.cs so that I can assign different points to different units (i.e., the bad guys in the first room have only 3 actionPoints, but units in other rooms have more). I feel this gives a since of the levels getting harder (not just by adding more bad guys). I also lower the health on the bad guys in the beginning rooms (again, making it easier to kill them and easing the player into the game).
Just my thoughts.

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An excellent idea.
We often set things up in prototyping with a hard number, which is then promoted to a field later in the production process.


Yup that’s definitely a great change, makes your game much more varied by having different Units with different action points.
You could then even expand upon it and make a second strategy layer like XCOM where you manage your soldiers and perhaps upgrade their Action points for each individual unique unit

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