I made it to the second level this time but the smashers kept getting me.
The first time I died in Level 1 was because I hit my head on the bottom of the moving platform.
#2 I fell in the water pit.
#3, 4, and 5 were smashers and a water pit on Level 2.
I think one thing that I would change in Level 1 would be to move the springy thing to where the vertical moving platform is located, and use a vertical moving platform in place of the springy thing, but that’s just my thought. I think I would also make some of the beginning water pits a little more narrow (a little more forgiving), and use the longer jump pits a little later, to kind of work up to the challenge a bit.
I like the addition of the health bar, but I didn’t get shot by anything yet so I haven’t seen it in action.
I think the lives reset to 3 when I made it to Level 2, and I like that! I mean, it helped me get a little further in the game.