ServerHandleBaseDespawned called 2x, causing double logging of Game Over message

I have a similar problem to jjaslow:

If either the host or client kills the other’s base I’ve got two Game Over notifications.

If I stop and restart client and host without closing the application, I’ve got four Game Over notifications.

What does it mean? Are events not properly unsubscribed? Triggered twice?

Thanks for your help!

Fixed the first part, I had forgotten to comment the UnitSpawner destruction.

When I restart host and client (without closing), I still have twice the notifications, is this normal behaviour?

Hi Morty, try moving your unsubscribe statement in the GameOverDisplay.cs from OnServerStop to OnDestroy.

private void OnDestroy()
    GameOverHandler.ClientOnGameOver -= ClientHandleGameOver;

Let me know if that helps.

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