After setting the map path via the widget blueprint I am greeted with this log and am stuck in the server creation menu:
LogGameMode: CanServerTravel: FURL /Content/Stylized_Egypt/Maps/Stylized_Egypt_Demo?listen blocked (Path does not start with a valid root. Path must begin with one of: /ObjectMixer/, /LightMixer/, /MediaCompositing/, /MediaPlate/, /Takes/, /Synthesis/, /WaveTable/, /ResonanceAudio/, /RigVM/, /Metasound/, /MeshModelingToolset/, /GeometryProcessing/, /AudioWidgets/, /ChaosClothEditor/, /AudioSynesthesia/, /SequencerScripting/, /Interchange/, /Niagara/, /IKRig/, /DatasmithContent/, /GLTFExporter/, /SpeedTreeImporter/, /UVEditor/, /ModelingToolsEditorMode/, /GeometryMode/, /BlueprintHeaderView/, /
LogLoad: Warning: UEngine::TickWorldTravel failed to Handle server travel to URL: /Content/Stylized_Egypt/Maps/Stylized_Egypt_Demo?listen. Error: Failed to load package '/Content/Stylized_Egypt/Maps/Stylized_Egypt_Demo'
LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [ServerTravelFailure]: Failed to load package '/Content/Stylized_Egypt/Maps/Stylized_Egypt_Demo'
However, you can see in this custom uelog I used that the path is correct:
LogTemp: Traveling to /Content/Stylized_Egypt/Maps/Stylized_Egypt_Demo?listen
I also tried to hard code the path as before into th C++ file, but that also didn’t work.