Section Production Progress

In this thread I will post as I add or change content in the section.

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New lecture uploading now: Setting Up Projectiles


Now uploading the next lecture ā€œUpgrading to Unreal 4.12ā€

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You mention it in the video but I just like to emphasis to everyone again:
Only use ā€˜convert-in-placeā€™, if you have your project under version control (e.g. GIT)!

At least maybe zip up the folder once for a quick backup before upgrading.

You donā€™t want to loose or break your project. This should be no problem with
the simple projects we are dealing with right now but better safe than sorry? :slight_smile:

BTW: flying tanks? I can relateā€¦ (only appeared inEditor with the menu as game start)

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At the end you tested the wrong thing. The problem happened when you began play from from the start level, not from the game level.

Thanks @DanM, we need it working from both Start and the level. Iā€™ve been struggling to solve this glitch reliably, and will resume tomorrow.

Two new videos today ainā€™t bad, really wanted it to be 3.

Update for you, weā€™ve found the JitterBug, and are just getting to the root cause. Back to recording really soon.

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Editing ā€œWorking Round Awkward Bugsā€ nowā€¦

Another video going live soon: "Using SpawnActor<>()"

Projectile movement component video uploading now, follow @GameDevTV on Twitter to hear it drop.

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Iā€™m pretty certain itā€™s to do with the fact that you have the barrel inside the turret. Have you tried moving it out?

Thanks @DanM, actually same problem with barrel not touching. I do talk through it in 139.

Iā€™ve watched it and noticed it went when you took away collision on the barrel, tested on my end and itā€™s the same, though also needed to remove it from the tracks.

Also Iā€™m not sure what the collision in the static mesh LOD is doing since if you remove all simplified collision and enable those you just fall through the world.

Edit: L140 thereā€™s a cough at 7:17 if you wanted to remove it.

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Thanks, will do tomorrow. Working the weekend to hit production targets

@DanM eeew, that cough had a nasty little nasal sound on it afterwards too - thanks for spotting. Uploading fixed video now!

4 hours of preparation so far today and no videos to show Iā€™m afraid. I wonā€™t stop until I can simply convey this complex and undocumented issue of component collision in C++.

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Got it, is a deprecated method since Unreal 4.12. Ok, weā€™re rolling again

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My word, the same video re-recorded 4 times due to a chain of errors. It wonā€™t beat me, it just means I work later until itā€™s done.

OK, two new videos and 10 new quiz questions will be with you in the next 20 minutes

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