Simple Chess Set.
Phenomenal chess scene
Great chess set, fancy shiny board, and being played in a bowling alley!
Reuse of things you have made already is a handy thing.
Thank you so much.I had a lot of fun making it!
Thank you so much!
And I thought they should play chess when they get bored of bowling and should go bowling when get bored of playing chess.Two in one!
Also I like using my previous models if I can.So when I make a new particular model I make it as a module, and save it differently.So that when I need to create a more complex scene I can always append the needed modules easily.Everything in the scenes are created as different modules by the way.Also that helps me to not to make a mess of materials.
And besides its fun to use my previous works again so I won’t forget them.
Wow! The full scene is amazing. Very clean and professional looking. Definitely shows the benefit of re-using older models.
The close-up of the chess pieces looks great too. I like the way blender can give you photo-realistic images of things that don’t quite exist in the real world, like the lighting at the bottom of the chess pieces.
Thank you so much
And yes,I like using my previous models very much.Its fun.Also its encourages me to create reusable scenes.I used my bowling alley scene for the chess scene because it had good lighting and I made the tables especially for this scene.Else I would have had to make an entirely different environment for it.That is time consuming and also redundant.
Also I used emission surfaces for the lighting though as the spotlights will create bright spots as much of the scene is highly reflective.The down side is that it will take much longer to render because of it.
And in this one I also used emission along with the wave texture.
And yes,Blender is soo much fun to use!!We can create pretty much anything if you know how.
That is one of the things I like about it.