Section 1 Lesson 11 - End of Section Challenge

Mars rover with a monkey head.


That’s great!

Thought my little balancing act was cool haha! You guys have some awesome stuff here. Love how this Udemy course is setup. Really getting a feel for the interface.


Hey, lesson 11 challenge completed, this time made very simple model, but next time I’ll do something bigger!


I’m making GIR from Invader Zim (R.I.P.). I will work on it more as i progress throughout the course. :smiley:


My simple little tower. Putting a cylinder on a cone in real should be quite difficult.

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I dont know why a castle is what came to mind when having to use those meshes, but here we are!!


Sticking with the “keeping it simple” crowd with my… thing. I wasn’t going to post it, but I figured I should since it’s part of the challenge. Seriously though, these projects are awesome :smiley: I can’t wait to see what everyone does once we learn a lot more!

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So many awesome posts here!! Really learned a lot.

Here comes mine. Feel free to comment!


Hi friends,

All of you have come up with amazing things. Makes me feel a bit shy about mine. Anyways, this is what I came up with.

Thank you


I made a flower out of cubes, a cylinder and a sphere.


Ok so this is my attempt at the challenge manipulated the items a bit and have rotated and scaled the views to get some clearer look at what I have done so far

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Section 1 Lesson 11 - Took me a while

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Ah, so many beautiful creations! Some of you are so advanced. Here is what I made:

Just a simple house using the primitive shapes.


So much creativity in here!
I just did a really simple lighthouse. I have some ideas on what I want to improve on as I learn in the future :slight_smile:

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This is what I made doing the challenge. About halfway through, my navigational controls ceased working, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to get the ortho camera working. I spent about half an hour, before giving up, and just decided to post my screen shot

Edit: upon resetting the program, all the functions, including ortho, worked perfectly normal. If anybody knows what I might have pressed to mess things up, please let me know!

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My Castle/ Fort,


Castle being attacked by tanks. Let the destruction begin!

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Here is my Revolver.


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