Script messing with Paddle collision

So I did everything exactly like I was told, and when I hit play and try to stop the ball with the paddle,
the paddle slides straight through the paddle like it had no collision.
When I uncheck the paddle script in the inspector, the paddle collision works normally again.

Heres a print of my paddle script:

Hi Mauricio,

This looks like a different issue to the other post now where the ball wasn’t reaching the paddle. Is that still an issue? If not, can you mark that topic as closed.

With regards to this one, check that the Paddle has a Rigidbody2D component and also that it’s Is Trigger property is unticked.

For code, it’s typically better to just copy/paste into your posts and then apply the code formatting characters before and after it - this allows those that help you to copy/paste chunks of your code back to you in a reply, where necessary. Screenshots are great for issues within the Unity editor itself though.

See also;

Hey Rob, as you remember my first issue, i tried to do a workaround and make both colliders tiny to lower the gap between the paddle and the ball, that caused the ball and paddle very hard to hit each other unless lined up perfectly.

Now that my issue with the gap is solved and the colliders are back to normal both in size and functionality, the issue is now gone.
Thanks for all the help so far :slight_smile:

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Great to hear this one is solved also - well done - keep going! :slight_smile:

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