Screen Position out of view error


During this video when we went to test our Dialogue Script

I see a LOT of these errors

UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
UnityStandardAssets.Water.Water:OnWillRenderObject () (at Assets/Asset Packs/Standard Assets/Environment/Water/Water/Scripts/Water.cs:135)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

What have I done to make this happen?


Better yet What do i need to do to fix this camera error?
I do seem to recall those numbers Camera rect (0 0 256 256) but can not remember where

Please help


Seemed to be in 2D view and these errors have gone away after i put it back in 3D view…

Silly error – but curious behavior that it(unity) allowed me to do that

This is because some items (like, for example, the water in the standard assets) make calculations based on the position of the camera in relation to the position of the object to manage the appearance of the water. In a 2d scene, the position of the camera doesnt’ make sense to these renderers.

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