Hi there, after I added the Nebula (hazard) animation, Scarfy has started running slower, the way I got it to run faster was to change the const float for the Nebula to 1.0/60.0 but that should probably not be the case. Any idea what could have caused this?
#include "raylib.h"
int main()
// window dimensions
const int WindowWidth = 800; // make a Constant 'const' prevent you from changing form initial value
const int WindowHeight = 500;
// initialise window
InitWindow(WindowWidth, WindowHeight, "Dapper Dasher");
// Rectangle position (NOT WORKING)
// int RecPosX = (WindowWidth/2);
// is rectangle in the air
bool isInAir = false; // initialise to false by default (will only run when false)
// rectangle dimensions (Remove after Scarfy image has been added)
//const int RecWidth = 40;
//const int RecHeight = 60;
//Rectangle Position (replaced with Scarfy Image Pos)
//int RecPosY = (WindowHeight - RecHeight); //position of rectangle
// Velocity
int Velocity = 1; // DISTANCE/TIME i.e. (pixels/frame) "-" to go upwards, take "-" away to go downwards
// acceleration due to gravity
const int gravity = 1000; // (pixel/s)/s (how many pixels per second we will increase the downward velocity/second)
//jump velocity (pixels/second) milliseconds = 1000 (1000 milliseconds in a second)
const int jumpVelocity = -800; //minus to let object go upwards
//Load texture from file from Sprite Sheet
Texture2D scarfySprite = LoadTexture("textures/scarfy.png");
//Draw rectangle on Sprite Sheet
Rectangle scarfySpriteRec;
scarfySpriteRec.width = scarfySprite.width/6;
scarfySpriteRec.height = scarfySprite.height;
scarfySpriteRec.x = 0;
scarfySpriteRec.y = 0;
// Placement of rectangle on Sprite Sheet
Vector2 scarfySpritePos;
scarfySpritePos.x = WindowWidth/2 - scarfySpriteRec.width/2;
scarfySpritePos.y = WindowHeight - scarfySpriteRec.height;
// animation frames
int frame = 0;
const float updateTime = 1.0 / 12.0; //image get's updated 12/second (amount of time before we udpate the animation frame)
float runningTime = 0;
// hazard animation
Texture2D HazardSprite = LoadTexture("textures/12_nebula_spritesheet.png");
Rectangle HazardRec{0.0, 0.0, HazardSprite.width/8, HazardSprite.height/8};
// HazardRec.width = HazardRec.width/8;
// HazardRec.height = HazardRec.height/8;
// HazardRec.x = 0;
// HazardRec.y = 0;
Vector2 HazardSpritePos {WindowWidth, WindowHeight - HazardRec.height};
// HazardSpritePos.x = WindowWidth;
// HazardSpritePos.y = WindowHeight - HazardRec.height;
int HazardVelocity = -500; //hazard x velocity (pixels per second)
int hazardAnimationFrame = 0;
const float hazardAnimationUpdateTime = 1.0 / 12.0;
float hazardAnimationRunningTime = 0;
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // means (WindowShouldClose() == false); "!" = negation operator
float dT{GetFrameTime()}; //dT = DeltaTime - time between frames/last time function was called
// ground check
if (scarfySpritePos.y >= WindowHeight - scarfySpriteRec.height)
// rectangle is on the ground
Velocity = 0;
isInAir = false; //this is where the statement will run
else {
// rectangle in the air - APPLY gravity FIRST before Y position as this impacts the position
Velocity += gravity * dT;
isInAir = true; // this is where the statement won't run
//frame = 0; can do but not fluid as returns to '0' position.
// CHECK FOR JUMPING - execute a function, if "key is pressed" {this needs to happen}
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !isInAir) // && will check for both statements to be true to return 'true'/activate. "!" negation.
// to succeed 'Key to be pressed' & NOT is in air is true ALSO CAN BE written as "isInAir == false";
Velocity += jumpVelocity;
// update hazard sprite position
HazardSpritePos.x += HazardVelocity * dT;
// update Scarfy Sprite position
scarfySpritePos.y += Velocity * dT;
hazardAnimationRunningTime += dT;
if (hazardAnimationRunningTime >= hazardAnimationUpdateTime) {
hazardAnimationRunningTime = 0.0;
HazardRec.x = hazardAnimationFrame * HazardRec.width;
hazardAnimationFrame ++;
if (hazardAnimationFrame > 7){
HazardRec.x = 0;
HazardRec.y ++;
if (HazardRec.y > 6 && HazardRec.x > 7) {
HazardRec.y = 0;
HazardRec.x = 0;
hazardAnimationRunningTime = 0.0;
HazardRec.x = hazardAnimationFrame * HazardRec.width;
HazardRec.y = hazardAnimationFrame * HazardRec.height;
if (!isInAir)
//update running time
runningTime += dT; // same as: runningTime = (runningTime + dT)
if (runningTime >= updateTime)
runningTime = 0.0;
// update animation frame
scarfySpriteRec.x = frame * scarfySpriteRec.width;
frame ++;
if (frame > 5)
frame = 0;
DrawTextureRec(HazardSprite, HazardRec, HazardSpritePos, WHITE);
//DrawRectangle(WindowWidth/2, RecPosY, RecWidth, RecHeight, BLUE);
DrawTextureRec(scarfySprite, scarfySpriteRec, scarfySpritePos, WHITE);
UnloadTexture(scarfySprite);//important to unload the texture so that it appears in the frame