Scarfy doesnt show

First of all, please know that I went through the other person inquiring about this, but non of the solutions given are working for me.
Terminal says “WARNING: FILEIO: [raylib/raylib/examples/textures/resources/scarfy.png] Failed to open file”
I then tried by simply writing “textures/Scarfy.png”, and it now tells me INFO: FILEIO: [textures/scarfy.png] File loaded successfully
But I still cannot see Scarfy, only a white window.

Hello HobbyTuna,

Can you show us the rest of your code? That’ll make it easier to identify the problem.

Here is all the rest

Take a look at line 16, scarfyRec.height = scarfyRec.height

Should be scarfyRec.height = scarfy.height

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That was it indeed! thanks a lot!!

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