My sitatuation is the exact same as the one here: Can't seem to get CanPlaceBuilding as true ever1nfpf8g_gaMTAzMzQwNTUwMC4xNjU5MDUzNTIz_ga_2C81L26GR9*MTY2MDQyMDA3Mi4xNDAuMS4xNjYwNDI0MDUxLjA.
What is the solution to this?
My sitatuation is the exact same as the one here: Can't seem to get CanPlaceBuilding as true ever1nfpf8g_gaMTAzMzQwNTUwMC4xNjU5MDUzNTIz_ga_2C81L26GR9*MTY2MDQyMDA3Mi4xNDAuMS4xNjYwNDI0MDUxLjA.
What is the solution to this?
Hi there,
It’s the exact same, in that when you comment out the can place building line, you can place buildings?
If so there are two parts to check:
First, check to make sure the building colliders are setup correctly and the correct layers are set for the “buildingBlockLayer”.
The second part is to make sure the range check is working correctly. It could be your building list “myBuildings” is not populating correctly. So expose that list in the inspector to make sure your starting building is begin added to it. If it’s not, it could be an issue with your spawning building events.
Let me know if that helps.
Hi, thanks for the reply. Apparently, the problem was that the cubes for the buildings had box colliders which screws the whole place building system up. The only box collider that’s intended, it seems, is the one on the parent game object along with all the scripts and other settings.
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