RPG Character Creator & Modular Armor Tutorial

There’s really not much to hook up… as the scripts make the connections on their own, so as long as there is a StatsEquipment and a CharacterGenerator on the character it should just work.

both are hooked to the player. I never deleted the player though, literally only the modular character

I’ll probably go try investigate other ideas, because the lack of connection to the color variables specifically is indeed a very weird bug to encounter

Let me restart Unity first though, maybe that’s the issue (although even the game build has the same problem)

When deleting the model and re-adding it, you need to hook up the transforms on the Fighter, but that shouldn’t affect anything.

I disagree, that does affect something :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: - If you forget to hook them up, the character generation to main game scene won’t even load to begin with, and will just produce an NRE

Edit: Restarting Unity didn’t do the trick… any naming tricks I should be aware of?

Edit 2: The main reason I deleted and reinstalled the Modular Character was because some body parts would occasionally disappear and re-appear, and that seemed like the easy fix

Make sure that all of the materials on the Modular character are using the FantasyHero Material with the POLYGON_CustomCharacters (or POLYGON_CustomCharacters_URP) Shader

lol I just found out what went wrong when I repeated the process… apparently I had the wrong model chosen as the input. Sure, it solved the mount issue, but that one has no chills when it comes to the colors (or at least that’s what I think…)

WAIT… Where do we place this shader?

The material has a shader assigned to it.

OK umm… do we place that material on the ‘ModularCharacters’ prefab itself, or on a child of it, or…?
(I’m new to shaders, so pardon me please with this one)

Each SkinnedMeshRenderer (there are hundreds of them on the Modular Fantasy Hero) has a Material on it. Each one’s material needs to be the FantasyHero Material. The Material itself should have the POLYGON_CustomCharacters shader unless it’s URP in which case it should have the POLYGON_CustomCharacters_URP shader.

lol each one comes with a ‘Lambert2’ material, and a standard shader… :sweat_smile: - we change these all to the new material right?

I highly doubt this will solve the problem though, but OK I guess


OK OK I’ll give it a go

Before I start though, because this is probably going to take hours to fix, any chance this can actually be changed through code instead?

I’m not sure how they’re set to “Lambert” in the first place… No, these have to be changed manually…
You can go to each section and select all of the body parts in that section, then go to the mesh Renderer and expand the Material and replace it with the FantasyHero Material.

This material, right? because there’s a bunch of them… (and the expansion is correct, right?)

OK I genuinely am confused on how in the world do I even change that material… and the link above didn’t help much :confused: - I tried deleting it, or even adding a new material, but to no avail


remember when you asked me why I deleted and replaced my character out? After realizing I used an entirely different model (I literally just noticed that like, right now…), apparently this is why (his forearms are invisible, and they go and come throughout gameplay, at specific angles)

and so is the hair

At first I thought this issue was fixed, then I realized it wasn’t (but this is the copy of the character with the correct material)

like I said, a scaling issue

OK now it sounds much easier :sweat_smile:

Just hope I don’t forget to turn that into a prefab instead of accidentally messing it all up :slight_smile: - thank you again Brian (Edit: NOPE, Can’t do that so easily… I will have to manually do that process every time I include a portal into my game)

I’ll update this comment when I’m done

On an extremely serious note, I might mess around with these materials, now that I know they exist, to create tiers of armor for the players to pursue down the line

Edit: it worked, but stupidly enough, I made the grave mistake of editing it on the hierarchy instead of in the prefab itself… time to go fix my mistake (apparently exiting the scene without saving doubled the trouble…)

Edit 2: if I EVER decide to get into a portal in my game, I better remember to change the materials to match, otherwise this will be a development nightmare…

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