RPG Character Creator & Modular Armor Tutorial

Yup, that worked, but the issue still persists if the capitalization differs (i.e: if you make a save file named “l” (small L) and then try make a capital “L” file, and then make a third file named “l”, it will not only work, but it will also bring the pickup issue back with it (because the last time you named a file “l”, you picked the stuff up, assuming you did back then, and somehow also act like it’s a brand new game (but with no pickups)))

At this point in time, I’ll just export the game with a label (do NOT use the same save file name twice), and then watch everyone do just that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: - anyway, I think for now we can call this a day with this issue, I apologize if I kept you up all night

Something we didn’t fully think of…
You could use ToLower()

string newGameName = newGameNameField.text.ToLower();

Assuming that you’re starting with a clean directory (fresh install), this would wipe it out altogether.
To complement this, however you could go into SavingSystem.ListSaves() and change the yield return statement to

yield return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToLower();

yup, that works PERFECTLY now (99%… (the resume button sometimes acts up, where it flat out rejects to work unless I open up a new game file, and at one point, a load file of mine actually started a new game… don’t ask me how) but right now it’s rare. When it does, I’ll let you know). Thanks again Brian, and I really hope tonight brought to your attention an important issue, or at least I also did help in one way or the other, the same way it helped me, and I absolutely hope anyone who reads this amazing tutorial solves a major problem for themselves as well :slight_smile:

Hey all, one last quick question. How do we deactivate body parts using this slot in the ‘SyntyEquipableItem.cs’? (Screenshot from the inspector):

So for example, if I want to put a helmet on, I want to deactivate my characters’ hair, beard and maybe face overall (if it’s a full face helm). I went through both ‘CharacterGenerator.cs’ and ‘SyntyEquipableItem.cs’, but found no link to any magic strings that lead to what I want to deactivate. So… how do I deactivate specific parts?

and the same question goes for the color changer (it doesn’t change colors, so I’m curious what’s missing, or am I misusing it)

Edit: for a start, I found this in ‘SyntyEquipableItem.cs’:

public List<string> SlotsToDeactivate => new List<String>();

and swapped it out for this:

public List<string> SlotsToDeactivate => slotsToDeactivate;

(figured it might be right, since the other lists are getters too)

Oh, by the way I found an extremely useful tool for Synty Armor creation on Github, I figured someone else may find this useful for their workflow as well:

Basically, I open the code running this project in a different, empty Unity project, on a Modular character, which allows me to view the changes in armor in the Unity Editor itself, so I know what to add to my character. It makes armor visualization and design faster :slight_smile: (instead of the hassle of going through different colors, waiting more than a minute for the game to load in Unity, not liking it and then returning, etc)

If you look in SyntyStatics.cs, you’ll see the magic strings that need to be in the Slots To Deactivate (the same strings as if you were deactivating them).
So for the hair, use

OK welp, that did work (to some extent… hopefully no spelling mistakes down the line. Would’ve been nice to make that an Enum, but I won’t complain)
I tried the same thing with color changes though, didn’t work

public const string HairColor = "_Color_Hair";
    public const string SkinColor = "_Color_Skin";
    public const string PrimaryColor = "_Color_Primary";
    public const string SecondaryColor = "_Color_Secondary";
    public const string LeatherPrimaryColor = "_Color_Leather_Primary";
    public const string LeatherSecondaryColor = "_Color_Leather_Secondary";
    public const string MetalPrimaryColor = "_Color_Metal_Primary";
    public const string MetalSecondaryColor = "_Color_Metal_Secondary";
    public const string MetalDarkColor = "_Color_Metal_Dark";

To change Hair color, you would put


in the color change field.

that’s good to know, if I’m keeping a barber in my game for instance :slight_smile:

I was asking about changing the color of armour though (apologies for not being clearer earlier)

Same idea… for the leather primary color


I was testing that on a full face helmet, xD… Didn’t work, I’ll investigate this in the future :slight_smile:

How does the item know if it’s metal or not though…?! (I wanted to change armor color so that different color armor has different stats, xD)

Aye, there’s the rub. You don’t without experimentation. Not every piece of armor uses every color channel. You’ll have to try different colors/color channels and see what changes for each gear.

ooh lala (that’s like an Egyptian-Arabic phrase of saying “oh great” (and then rolls eyes), xD)… long experimentation nights are about to start soon (we’re still building functionalities, xD)

That’s just for me though :slight_smile:

heya folks, no questions this time, but considering that we all know about the Synty scaling issue and the nightmares I had because of it, I think I accidentally found a solution to the problem whilst I was working with Malbers on integrating his systems into my personal project. In the link below, there’s a video. Skip to the 32nd second, and you’ll find the solution to how he fixed it (although if your project is already deep in… this might cause more issues than solutions, so do it at your own risk):


OK so… after a bit of swapping of my character, I have a brand new major problem with my Character Generator when designing my characters’ initial character for my game

In simple terms, any color changing action suddenly stopped working (so his eye color changer, his facial hair color changer, his skin art color changer and body art color changer all stopped working!). I checked that their buttons are properly assigned, but they don’t work anymore…

Not to mention that any body-arts with color of some sort no longer display on the player during gameplay, although they are properly assigned and were working perfectly prior

Did I blow up something by throwing my old modular character out and replacing it with a new prefab copy by accident? (apart from the ‘JSONSaveableEntity.cs’ script) It was a crucial step… Please help!

How many times do I have to say that we haven’t totally dealt with saving yet in the Third person tutorial? That being said, as long as the JsonSaveableEntity is on the same GameObject as the CharacterGenerator, there shouldn’t be an issue… Look for error messages either when saving from your creation scene or loading with your loading scene.

I don’t think this has anything to do with the saving system. In very simple terms, the color-changing buttons just won’t work for some reason, even with all the proper connections setup (as if I lost connection to that part of the code somehow…), and this problem is very very very specific to the color-swapping system

the only error I’m getting is relevant to the construction system in the character creator menu (I will deal with that as we speak), but there is absolutely no proper reason why I can’t tune my character colors anymore…

Unless the error is stopping the code from running…

nope, error had something to do with event subscription and unsubscription for the construction system, and that’s literally it…

Why the color changer won’t work is something driving me nuts as we speak, so I think it’s best we take that step by step

When deleting and re-placing the Modular Character under core, are there any sort of connections that were supposed to be done that I missed out on?

I’m confused as to why you would have deleted the character in core?

in simple terms, the character had major scaling issues because of its size (he re-scaled it from 1 to 0.01 and changed a few other variables as we speak…), and it was causing the mount animations to act out of whack when I was working with Malbers (which I ended up deactivating because root motion was a total mess), along with a few occasionally disappearing body parts here and there. He re-scaled the model in quite the complex process, and I just tagged along :sweat_smile:

In the end the change isn’t hurting anyone, except that I have no access to the coloring database for god knows what reason, and this time neither parties understands what the other is doing enough to know how to fix this…

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