I had to make new Materials for the different faces of the house in order to incorporate the discrete image files provided in the reference pack. I also used a loop cut and Extrusion to add the little peak for the roof without distorting existing faces, then U → Unwrap on the new faces to get an image on them as well. Just in case anyone is wondering.


There are alternatives. From my bookmarks:


Thank you for posting these links.

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Why rip

They were a great source of textures for many years, the lower resolutions were available to download in a limited amount in exchange for credits awarded daily, or you could pay for higher resolutions and more downloads. They recently decided to switch over to a subscription-based model, where you have to pay them to download anything at all, even just to try something out. Considering the numerous alternatives still offering a multitude of free options (such as those kindly linked by Todd Vance above), not to mention AI, went being from a key resource all 3D artists should know about to being effectively irrelevant.


Oh, I was reading that they still had a free credit system for weekly free users. I remember a very long time ago, back when they were it was a lot more open. Pretty much only time you paid was for 2k+ resolution. That totally sucks :(.

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