Rigify cat rig

Does anyone have any ideas on how to adjust it to fit one’s cat and still generate the IK rig? Lost all evening of a week or more trying to get it to work.

Basically it is the face that throws up error messages. It is very complicated.

Any advice?

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Maybe instead of one big rig. Use multiple rigs?

I suppose so. Just frustrating there is this ready made one that I can not get to work. Every tutorial just skims over and avoids sorting out the head or even just deleted all but one bone in the head. I am sure it is the moving of the bones to fit that is the problem. Perhaps everyone avoids it as it can’t be made to work!

Not sure what the actual problem is, but check if these gives any hint

It is the complexity in the head where I get error messages.

Add the cat rigify rig into a scene and look at it. I also hit the upgrade button, but I think that makes it better.

RIGIFY ERROR: Bone ‘tongue’: Input to rig type must be a chain of 3 or more bones.
Incorrect armature for type ‘chain_rigs’

Well that is a different one today. Might be able to find that. But every time I solve one a different one comes up. lol.

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The number of IK bones must be less then one in the chain upwards. !?

(I always understood that IK for animation, isn’t used much, because of the low control of the bone managed by the system)

Theoretically I should not have any of that problem. It is all pre made.
Some how in moving the bones to fit the mesh I must be messing things up. OR the slight change in placement relationship is doing it. I am mystified and frustrated.

If I generate the rig straight from an non altered to fit the mesh cat Armature, it works!
But is of course no good not fitting the cat mesh.

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I have till date never used Rigify. This one is a Rig I am working around at my own with another course.

Can you please make me available the mesh of the Cat. I would give it a try.


That is where I am at most recently. Did not pack the reference images but you should not need them.


The issue that I have understood while using various programs is that no automated program works flawless.

It is about the logic behind these automation, which are based on Software Development Kits (SDKs). Blender was having Python behind it’s logics. Now it is blend of C++ and Python.

Many intermediary plugins thus got broke, and this is what is plaguing the Video tutorials out there.

I have found none working the way programming should work, and that is costing renders.

See what comes to me first as soon as I opened your file

Actually this is the problem!

Ah Perhaps it is not me then! lol.

I suspect it is though. as it works with not bone movement as in the image above.

Yes in some ways it would be easier to build it slowly from the start, but I had hoped a week or two ago for a simple easy ready made solution. All the tutorials get the simple versions to work. The bones are not crowded in and need a lot of positioning like this cat head.

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Oh I always get that! I just ignore. No idea what it is on about.

Though you are right in that a new file that I made the working version with no mesh did not show that. But It was not opening a saved file.


Look at another issue

The entire face rig has gone haywire. Actually it is the face rig that is the issue. It is disconnecting Cat’s neck from it’s body.

Now to fix this the face Morph needs to be reworked.

Easier, making our own rig.

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So have I messed it up moving the bones then? As it works with no bone moved.

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It is defiantly not you :grinning:

It’s rigify. :joy:

They couldn’t kept the pace.

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OK I abandon cat! Wait for an update. :rofl: :cat:


No. It is not you. It is Rigify.

It is now confused. It is not reading blender code properly. It’s face morph is no more working.

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Oh well over ambition strikes again.

All the fault of whoever posted the tutorial to make a robot that is animated without bone use. I did it to see what they meant, only to find all they did was lock rotations. But having the little thing I thought of an idea for it to be a future cat slave, opening the cat door, cat dithers as they do, not sure if in or out, robot confused etc.

Another idea born of nothing to shelve.


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