Rigify cat rig

Just a minute.

I feel there is some other issue also. Give me 10 mins for a trial

It’s working

Look at her neck.

You missed giving her weight paint mix.

Select character, select bones (in object mode) cTRL + P and with automatic weights.

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You don’t need to scrap.

This is the good news!

You need to work more, well this :roll_eyes:

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I can make the armature work, more or less. It is the next step, ‘generate rig’ that fails. with all the fancy shapes and Ik built in.

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and now a ghost cat :joy:


Wait a minute. You see now that every thing is now in our control.

You need to create your own IK for the goal you want to happen.

Just remember, in IK no more than 2 bones are affected wrt the IK Bone, be it human or any realistic creature.

No need generating rig. I didn’t get this message.

Object Mode > Cat Mesh + Car Rig (Rig to be active selection) > Ctrl + P > Automatic Weight

Yes there is the option of not using the pro rig. The bones on their own work. I could revise how to add the control shaped things and add a few for the key areas like the legs. The face movements while nice to have to try and make it frown etc are less used and possible by hand bone moves.

Thanks for looking into it.

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Hope I was of some help.

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Look at my first image in the thread that is what rigify is supposed to make and provide those fancy shapes and controllers. Just not working we will blame rigify!

If you would want the cat behaving Mocap, you can still use the face rigs! It can be automated with one click in case there be such SDK available for blender.

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we must Blame Rigify.

They should come open and honest about the Pros and Cons of their product.


Animation not my usual territory I think it is getting more difficult than I want to deal with.

No, it is not. It is being made to feel so.

Wish I could show you something I did on a game engine. Lot of thinking and a lot of blasting my computer with trial and error.

But, it was the simplest logic that could ever exist in the computing field, and the digital human behaved the way I wanted to.

None of the tutorials over a couple of Months search. not even ones prepared by the SDK Partners suggested that.

They want to sell at premium. It’s all about insane commerce.

So, stop thinking the way you are thinking about Animations now.

Just start thing of animation your way, and you are there.

:laughing: I have a desire for highest end Pixar/Disney output only better less cartoony, on a flick book page level ability.


and you are almost there with the Ghost Cat :joy:

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ghost cat be SPOOKIN

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