Rigidbody prob

Hey guys im not sure why this error is happening. It might have something to do with me having untiy2017 or i just did something wrong but i dont think i have.

^^^^^ This error happens when i click the ball

First thing to check is your outputs. I suspect the issue lies in the DragEnd method of DragLaunch and the time element as NaN is Not a Number which suggests a division by 0.

Put a debug line for something like:

Debug.Log("launchVelocity="+launchVelocity+" , Duration was="+dragDuration);

Hello i have tried your Debug.Log(“launchVelocity=”+launchVelocity+" , Duration was="+dragDuration); code

and this is what printed

This error happens when i click the ball

Are you holding down the mouse button and the moving the mouse to create the actual drag?

When i click to hold down the error happens.

When you click, is your mouse within the Game window?

Yes, i click on the ball and then the error pops up before i can drag

Can you pop a screenshot up of the Inspector when you have the Touch Input GameObject selected in the Hierarchy please.



You have set both methods for the same event, e.g. Pointer Down.

  • delete the method call, DragLaunch.DragEnd, for the event Pointer Down
  • click the Add New Event Type
  • select PointerUp
  • drag the Ball GameObject from the Hierarchy to the Object property
  • select the method, DragLaunch.DragEnd in the function dropdown menu
  • save the scene
  • run the game

(names may vary between our solutions)

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Oh Yes, Thank you so much

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You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

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