[Right Click > Create] menu is broken/shuffled for new scriptable objects

I was following along with the " Unity RPG Dialogue & Quests" tutorial, and when I got to “Bug Fix & More Predicates” at around 8:30, I noticed when I tried to create a new Equipable Item scriptable object, the newly added item is instead a Quest scriptable object. I then tried to create a new Quest and a new Dialogue is created instead. Basically every new item added to the [Right Click > Create] menu has been shuffled for some reason.

Everything has been working correctly up to this point, I have no errors in VS. It seems to only be shuffled through this create menu, the existing items seem fine. They work in game.

I’m using Unity version 2022.2.0a12 [Alpha] and MVS 2022 Version 17.2.0. I was using a 2022.1.something [beta] version, but I upgraded because I was getting annoying glitches preventing me from editing serialized arrays/Lists in the inspector. Has the upgrade completely busted my project? Can I fix that? If more info is needed, lemme know. Thanks for your help!

Code snippets:

//This is in Dialogue.cs
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = “New Dialogue”, menuName = “Dialogue”, order = 0)]
//This is in Quest.cs
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = “Quest”, menuName = “RPG Project/Quest”, order = 0)]
//This is in StatsEquipableItem.cs - I didn’t write this one, this is as is, as it came with the download for this tutorial. I started with this tutorial rather than starting with the first tutorial in the series.
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = (“RPG/Inventory/Equipable Item”))]

Did some poking in a new empty project, and I’m almost certain this is a Unity Bug. The create asset menu is completely busted in this version, it would appear. So I just reported it as a bug :confused:

Do I just wait till they fix it, or do I try downgrading to the latest stable release? Will that even work?

It’s always the risk when you’re upgrading versions mid project.

It’s tough (virtually impossible) to downgrade. Grab your backup (you did do a backup/git before you tried an upgrade right?) and revert it to your old version.

Whatever version you end up going to, make sure that the letter code in the version is f(inal), not b(eta) and never a(lpha). Alpha versions are bleeding edge, and almost always contain breaking bugs.

I havent’ found a post 2020 version (since they switched to the new +/- reorderable list interface) that doesn’t experience this bug. I trick the inspector by adding extra elements, and scrolling the inspector which often brings the hidden elements into light (and of course hides other elements). I also find this bug mainly manifests itself with structs inside of lists, so collapsing the struct elements you’re not using also helps.

As Michael points out, downgrading is next to impossible. The best way to make this happen is through source control.

Thanks for the response! I installed v 2021.3.2f1 [LTS], and it seems to play nice with that. This version is even absent of the inspector list bug, so far.

I did not use version control but I will in the future lol. That’s a good shout from MichaelP. My method of down grading definitely probably not to be recommended, but I’ll post it anyway. I’m fine with this solution because I don’t plan on using this entire project as a template for my game, I’m probably just gonna organize the parts that apply to my game in an importable package, so the integrity of this project just needs to last me the rest of the tutorial. So, use at your own risk lol:

  1. Download v 2021.3.2f1 [LTS]
  2. Redownload the project file that was handed out at the start of the tutorial.
  3. Unzip it. Delete it’s asset folder.
  4. Copy the asset folder from the broken version, paste it into the new project.
  5. Open the project in the Hub, make sure to select v 2021.3.2f1 [LTS]
  6. Everything seems to work fine for me now. TMPro threw me a few errors the first time I opened the project, but not since. TMPro stuff still seems to work. May reimport it just to be safe.
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We probably need to shout “Version Control!” more often at the beginning of these courses. :slight_smile: Back when I got started in programming, we had to chisel the current version of our programs onto clay tablets in cuniform, and then use those if we needed to walk things back (or… more accurately, make regular backups onto floppies).

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