Reward Text not showing up correctly with using GetDisplayName

After setting up the reward text system and testing. I seem to only be getting the number value of the rewards for completing quests. The names are not displayed at all. I was testing and I found that it does work if I use
rewardText +=;
But using
rewardText += reward.item.GetDisplayName();
Then the item name does not show up. I am wondering why that is.
I have tried looking to find where the GetDisplayName is used to see if there is something missing but I am not sure. All I see is that GetDisplayName() is used with the InventoryItem script from GameDev. It is initialized to null and then referenced under a getter and returns the string displayName.

I do not know if the difference is by the version of Unity I have 2021.3.7f1 or if there is a break in the code that I am not noticing. But by using I seem to get the result as you do with using reward.item.GetDisplayName().

If you have any thoughts on why this is happening I am open to hearing about it.

Code Review:
private string GetRewardText(Quest quest)


        string rewardText = "";

        foreach (var reward in quest.GetRewards())


            if (rewardText != "")


                rewardText += ", ";


            if (reward.number > 1)


                rewardText += reward.number + " ";

            // Using rewardText +=; does work for this for some reason.
            rewardText += reward.item.GetDisplayName();


        if (rewardText == "")


            rewardText = "No Reward";


        rewardText += ".";

        return rewardText;



I found my problem. I double checked the weapons and items for the rewards and the display name for them are empty. Everything is working correctly.

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Good catch. These sorts of errors can actually be difficult to track down, as the code is fine, but the inspector values aren’t.

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Thank You :slight_smile:

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