I’ve been trying to do some custom movement lately in the form of a quick dash. Right now I’m checking if a variable is true each frame, and if so, I’m using SetActorLocation(); to move the player forward X distance. The problem is that, while it replicates, the replication causes the client to move around jagged on client-side. On the server it moves fine.
When I use this while SetReplicatingMovement(false); the replication of the custom movement is perfectly fine. This tells me that there might be some kind of conflict between my movement and the base movement. Does anybody have any ideas on how to prevent this conflict? If any more information is needed, I’d be glad to provide it.
I’m also having the same issue with many other forms of movement like ApplyWorldOffset(); and even LaunchCharacter();! This can all be solved by just making my own movement for everything. Of course though, I’d rather not reinvent the wheel of movement if I don’t have to.