Repeat discussion from earlier attempt at this... lol

Thanks you for this concise response below.


This is very clear …

I still wonder why didn’t we use a public interface for this one?


PS: AM I in left field here, thinking of an interface with optional parameters?

To be honest, I don’t see a way that an interface would help here.

I was hoping of a way to lesson the number of bread crumbs to get from point A to point B.

I am still struggling with this set up-- I don’t get it yet…

I am having a very hard time giving my designer a list of steps to Issue a Quest and update its status.

Here is where my list is at now: Please check the Unity things to do side as well…
Any help would be Great!! thanks in advance… this is a work in process (its still growing, want to avoid my designers having to ask to many questions… lol

Things to Know:

        // The purpose of this script is to allow user to add an action to any gameObject
        // (currently a string that can be used to MATCH the dialogue Nodes (onEnterAction or onExitAction) events
        // I plan on changing this to an enum)
        // this allows the designer(user) to choose from Unity drop down of
        // functions to call based on gameObject dragged into it (that unity event from Inspector) 
        // (can also be this object -- meaning the one this script is on)
        // In our class we added it(this script) to Enemy 6 in inspector
        // In our dialogue I added Attack to the onEnterAction of the last node (of the wrong path made guard angry)
        // On Enemy 6 Hit plus sign drug Enemies Parent into Game Object (it has a Aggro Group script 
        // to activate all enemies attack again)
        // Hit plus to add another event
        // drug Player into game object slot
        // choose PlayerConversant.Quit to close the dialogue

        // This is used for characters of fighter type
        // The purpose of this script is to allow user to make Fighters(passive or agressive)
        // Seems an empty Parent(of Fighters) should hold this script
        // Does NOT have to be ALL fighters in scene
        // With this you can pick and choose
        // In the inspector within your parent Enemies gameObject you could have other
        // parents of fighters!
        // The purpose of this script is to allow gameObject to give a Quest to Player
        // note: -- Use a QuestCompletion Component(can be on differant gameObject right?) to complete this quest to get rewards
        // Simply drag the Quest into the component
        // We put this on Enemy 8 during class
        // Then choose a Dialogue to trigger this action (from Dialogue NOT Quest)
        // Rig up the nodes onEnterAction or onExitAction fields
        // We chose the last one at that time Player Response was (Sure, how?) on its onExitAction
        // it will trigger the GiveQuest Procedure
        // note: GiveQuest must match both the DialogueTrigger Component Action and this objective action
        // Again Note to self: TODO change to ENUM! for action items

        // The purpose of this script is to allow user to set up a gameObject
        // that works with the QuestGiver
        // put a Dialogue Trigger on that object
        // Match the Action to the Quest objective to be completed onEnterAction or onExitAction
        // Put QuestCompletion it on same gameObject and Point to correct Quest
        // Enter that matching Objective Referance

I am hoping to get my designer a list of things to do in Unity Only using this system.

The How to tie the dialogue system (dialogueNodes) to this system with Quest objectives...

For me some of this is our naming standards… and groupings
I will get this … for sure… when I do… lol

Thanks for all your help you make things sound and look more organized

Actually, you’re on the right track with this!

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