Refining Scene Transitions

Hey there, quick question (maybe),

I understand that the scene transitions from this section are based on one of the Unity sample programs. I’ve been using this scene transition system for about a year across various gamejams and have always found it to be a little bit clunky with the way the portal and player character in the new scene are detected and how easily things can break as you add more functionailty / polish to the transition. I’m wondering if you know of a more streamlined or standard transition approach that may have come out since this section was originally created (I’ve searched around youtube and not found anything particularly useful), or if this is still the generally accepted way of doing it?


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There are three basic options when it comes to these sorts of scene transitions:

  • What we’re doing, generally the most reliable method.
  • Make the player a static instance (Singleton) This introduces a whole new set of potential unwanted bugs, and we’ve tried to rely as little as possible on Singletons, just the Fader, SavingWrapper, and SavingSystem
  • Level Streaming, where scenes are additively loaded and unloaded. This introduces an even bigger set of unwanted bugs, though it may be something to consider a mini tutorial on in the future as a supplement.

For indie developers, I don’t generally recommend level streaming, as there are a lot of moving parts to consider, and it’s more suited for a team to solve the issues, leaving the first two options.

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Okay cool, thanks for the quick reply! I’ll keep doing it the way we’ve been doing it then, maybe I’ll try organizing the code a little bit more clearly (for myself) so that adding more functionality becomes less painful.

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