
Am I missing something here? Why are we still randomly choosing an AI response? Is this the design choice so you can have some extra spice to the responses? It’s weird since I only ever have the one AI response anyway as it sets up whatever you have chosen.

I am also sort of not liking the flow of being presented with the NPC dialogue and then hitting next to only then be able to choose. With that original NPC text no longer appearing there. I suppose it would be easy enough to display that info again above the choices, though.

I try to look ahead at lecture names to see if my concerns are addressed so if any of you know that some fundamental changes are coming in future lectures, please let me know. But it seems at this point that the guts of the Dialogue system are done. And unless the Quest part adds functionality to this too, I am safe to start tinkering.

I am not sure what I expected for this dialogue system, but it’s not quite working as I imagined even not knowing that :joy:

You could leave the question node text in place while displaying the choices. That’s a fairly straightforward solution to the “what question was I answering again?” issue.

We are still choosing random responses to set up for dialogues where there could be multiple responses. For example, imagine that you have a dozen or so NPCs that each have six or seven “stock answes”
You might have one of those answers with a HasQuest(“FindMeAShrubbery”)…
So our character might have a whole list of random responses

"Hail and well met, stranger"
"Watch out for the guy over there, he was beating a cat on a tent pole"
"Have you met Tim the Enchanter?"
"Pardon me, I'm busy"

Every time you talk to the character, it will answer with one of the random response… Now suppose you have an answer with a condition of HasQuest(“FindMeAShrubbery”)…

"Greetings, I am Roger, Roger the Shrubber"

Now if the character has the quest, that NPC has a shot of responding with the assistance you need to get those Knights who so recently said Nee!"

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Yeah it occurred to me after I made this post that we really don’t have any other data to “pick” an NPC response. I am assuming as I parse through your Python references that you are implying that down the line in the course we will marry questing and dialogue to make better use of the AI response nodes.

There is a really nice Unity bundle over on Humble tonight. $30 gets a ton of great assets. There is a dialogue node system in it. But more interestingly, there is a tree editor. Just absurd amount of variables to change to generate trees. And its a node system. It was fun poking about their code to see what they are doing. This course gave me the knowledge to really grasp their node editing.

But hey! While I have your attention. There are SEVERAL things that irk me about the dialogue node editor. I mentioned the zoom thing… Pipe dream. The other thing that would be nice is being able to highlight text in the nodes rather than it immediately entering the drag node functionality. But that is minor and we have the inspector to do that.

However, I WOULD like to be able to only drag the canvas if I am holding middle mouse. Again like the animator behaves. I have failed to code this. It seems like the Event.current doesn’t give a poo about what mouse button you are using. I added Input.GetMouse(2) checks (as well as testing with 0 and 1 to make sure it wasn’t just hating on MMB) to the if statement and in the body surrounding the drag canvas code itself. No dice. You have any thoughts on this, oh mighty King of the Britons, defeater of the Saxons?

Input.GetMouse doesn’t actually work in Editor code… But…

I’m putting a plaque with that on my license plate frame…
Try Event.current.button

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Oh… that would explain that. :man_facepalming:
Works like a charm. Now I wonder what kind of new title I can inflate your ego with that would have you think for me to make it so where if the mouse goes outside of the editor window area while dragging, you still keep dragging until you let go :thinking:

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