Random array size hides foreground


I added some randomness into the game using GetRandomValue() which provides a random int between the two provided ints.

When I use this function the foreground disappears however when it is excluded it isnt.

Can anyone help find why this is the case?

#include “raylib.h”

struct animData


Rectangle rec;

Vector2 pos;

int frame;

float updateTime;

float runningTime;


// Create function for ground check

bool isOnGround(animData data, int windowHeight)


return data.pos.y >= windowHeight - data.rec.height;


// Create function to update animations

animData updateAnimData(animData data, float deltaTime, int frameCount)


data.runningTime += deltaTime;

if (data.runningTime >= data.updateTime)


    data.runningTime = 0.0;

    data.rec.x = data.frame * data.rec.width;


    if (data.frame > frameCount - 1)


        data.frame = 0;



return data;


float backgroundScrolling(float xPos, int scrollSpeed, float deltaTime, Texture2D background)


    xPos -= scrollSpeed * deltaTime;

    if(xPos <= -background.width * 2)


        xPos = 0;


    return xPos;


int main()


// Create constant window dimensions

int windowDimensions[2] = {512,380};

// Initialize the window

InitWindow(windowDimensions[0], windowDimensions[1], "Dapper Dasher");

// Intialize gravity (pixels/second)

const int gravity{750};

// Intialize Nebua textures and variables

Texture2D nebula = LoadTexture("textures/12_nebula_spritesheet.png");

// Initialize the number of nebulae

const int numberOfNebulae = GetRandomValue(5,10);

// Initialize the size of the nebulae array

animData nebulae[numberOfNebulae];

// Populate the array using a for loop

for(int i = 0; i < numberOfNebulae; i++)


    nebulae[i].rec.x = 0.0;

    nebulae[i].rec.y = 0.0;

    nebulae[i].rec.width = nebula.width/8;

    nebulae[i].rec.height = nebula.height/8;

    nebulae[i].pos.x = windowDimensions[0] + i * 300;

    nebulae[i].pos.y = windowDimensions[1] - nebula.height/8;

    nebulae[i].frame = 0;

    nebulae[i].runningTime = 0.0;

    nebulae[i].updateTime = 1.0/12.0;


int nebulaVelocity{-150}; // Pixels per second

float finishLine{nebulae[numberOfNebulae - 1].pos.x};

// Initialize texture and scarfy variables

Texture2D scarfy = LoadTexture("textures/scarfy.png");

animData scarfyData;

// Initialize sprites rectangle area

scarfyData.rec.width = scarfy.width/6;

scarfyData.rec.height = scarfy.height;

scarfyData.rec.x = 0;

scarfyData.rec.y = 0;

// Initialize pos

scarfyData.pos.x = windowDimensions[0]/2 - scarfyData.rec.width/2;

scarfyData.pos.y = windowDimensions[1] - scarfyData.rec.height;

// Initialize scarfy frame number for animation

scarfyData.frame = 0;

// Initialze updateTime for time between frames

scarfyData.updateTime= 1.0/12.0;

// Initialze runningTime for time between frames

scarfyData.runningTime = 0;

// Initialize air check

bool isInAir{false};

// Initialize velocity and gravity

int velocity{0};

int jumpVelocity{-500};  // Pixels per second

// Load background texture

Texture2D background = LoadTexture("textures/far-buildings.png");

float bgX;

int bgSpeed = 20;

// Load midground texture

Texture2D midground = LoadTexture("textures/back-buildings.png");

float mgX;

int mgSpeed = 40;

// Load foreground texture

Texture2D foreground = LoadTexture("textures/foreground.png");

float fgX;

int fgSpeed = 80;

// Set collision check to false

bool collision{};

// Set target FPS


while (!WindowShouldClose())


    // Delta time (time since last frame)

    const float deltaTime{GetFrameTime()};

    // Start drawing



    // Scroll the background

    bgX = backgroundScrolling(bgX, bgSpeed, deltaTime, background);

     // Draw the background

    Vector2 background1Pos{bgX,0.0};

    DrawTextureEx(background, background1Pos,0.0,2.0,WHITE);

    // Draw second background

    Vector2 background2Pos{bgX + background.width * 2};

    DrawTextureEx(background, background2Pos, 0.0, 2.0, WHITE);

    // Scroll the midground

    mgX = backgroundScrolling(mgX, mgSpeed, deltaTime, midground);

    // Draw the midground

    Vector2 midground1Pos{mgX,0.0};

    DrawTextureEx(midground, midground1Pos,0.0,2.0,WHITE);

    // Draw second midground

    Vector2 midground2Pos{mgX + midground.width * 2};

    DrawTextureEx(midground, midground2Pos, 0.0, 2.0, WHITE);

    // Scroll the foreground

    fgX = backgroundScrolling(fgX, fgSpeed, deltaTime, foreground);

    // Draw the foreground

    Vector2 foreground1Pos{fgX,0.0};

    DrawTextureEx(foreground, foreground1Pos,0.0,2.0,WHITE);

    // Draw second foreground

    Vector2 foreground2Pos{fgX + foreground.width * 2};

    DrawTextureEx(foreground, foreground2Pos, 0.0, 2.0, WHITE);

    if (isOnGround(scarfyData, windowDimensions[1]))


        // Ground check

        velocity = 0;

        isInAir = false;




        // Rectangle is in the air

        // Apply gravity

        velocity += gravity * deltaTime;


    // Check if the Space key is pressed to start jump

    if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !isInAir)


        velocity += jumpVelocity;

        isInAir = true;



    // Update nebulae positions in for loop

    for(int i = 0; i < numberOfNebulae; i++)


    nebulae[i].pos.x += nebulaVelocity * deltaTime;


    // Update finsh line

    finishLine += nebulaVelocity * deltaTime;

    // Update scarfy position

    scarfyData.pos.y += velocity * deltaTime;




        scarfyData = updateAnimData(scarfyData, deltaTime, 6);


    // Update nebulae animatons in a for loop

    for(int i = 0; i < numberOfNebulae; i++)


        nebulae[i] = updateAnimData(nebulae[i], deltaTime, 8);



    for (animData Nebula : nebulae)


        float pad{50};

        Rectangle nebRec


            Nebula.pos.x + pad,

            Nebula.pos.y + pad,

            Nebula.rec.width - 2 * pad,

            Nebula.rec.height - 2 * pad



        Rectangle scarfyRec







        if (CheckCollisionRecs(nebRec, scarfyRec))


            collision = true;




    // Check for collision

    if (!collision && finishLine > 0)


        // Draw nebula in a for loop

        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfNebulae; i++)


            DrawTextureRec(nebula, nebulae[i].rec, nebulae[i].pos, BLUE);


        // Draw scarfy

        DrawTextureRec(scarfy, scarfyData.rec, scarfyData.pos, WHITE);


    else if(collision && finishLine > 0)


        // Lose the game

        DrawText("GAME OVER!", 100, 150, 50, RED);




        // Win the game

        DrawText("YOU WON!", 150, 150, 50, WHITE);




    // Stop drawing










Hi there!

Sorry for the late reply. Make sure your variables are initialized, like bgX, mgX, fgX.

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