Ragdoll On Death - Unity issue

So strange, when I try to filter out the rigidbodies by typing “rigid” into the search above the player it shows zero items. It works if I type “mix” or “hips” but it cannot search what is inside of each gameobject. Does anyone else have this issue?

The search method works by first checking name matches (which can be solved with partial matches like “mix” for “mixamorig”) and then if the search text matches a valid component name, using GetComponent to find GameObjects with that component on them. This means to match components, we must type the full component name, in this case RigidBody

Thanks so much for the clarification! That’s a great thing to know that it searches just like GetComponent. I can’t believe I didn’t type the entire “rigidbody” in. I must have been listening to the video and not watching, because in the video it doesn’t show up until Nathan enters the entire “rigidbody”. I also tried entering “capsule” which didn’t work. But knowing it uses the GetComponent type search, you can use either “collider” which finds all colliders or “capsulecollider” which finds only the “Capsule Colliders”. Thanks so much Brian!


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