Radial Force doesn't work at all?

I added the radial force as a subobject and such just like in the video. But whether or not I attach it to the root component, I get no force whatsoever being applied, no matter how high i scale the numbers, even to trillions. It does not matter where I am placed in the world either when spawning.

I am ofcourse also telling it to fire the impulse on hit aswell:

So whats going on with radial force? What is the secret to make it work, or am i encountering a mysterious bug here?

Project on GitHub if someone wants to take a look:

Ughhh I tried this to no avail:

This too also did nothing ftwwww… :

I also added a string and yeah the hit is firing in blueprints

Wtf when I broke the hit result This worked:

This is only a temporary blueprint accomodation though and only works when the tank body is hit.
It also doesnt seem to effect any sideways movement.

FYI i tried breaking the hit result for the add radial impulse blueprint function to no avail.
It only worked with Add Impulse for some reason.

Any progress towards solving this through code? Had the exact same issue.

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I actually had alot of problems I never got fixed or had answers for in this course.

Unfortunately Dan and others rarely answers questions on this forum even tho its more advanced and cleaner then the Q&A. :confused:
For some reason the community in general is shy of this forum and it goes to waste.

I recall making a workaround for this problem, but never figured out why radial impulse didn’t work.
(I think i also had a problem with apply radial damage, and also the damage only working sometimes)

I’m not sure if i tried using the Add Force function; but I was using this recently for a different project and it was working okay. But thats only applied once, as opposed to an impulse is more like an acceleration.

@DanM solve our problems!

Mainly I don’t have enough time to go through Q&A and the forums. I do my best to respond to mentions though. I’ll take a look at it later today.


Hopefully its easily replicatable since someone else had the same problem.

If not my repo should still have the same problem (along with a host of other unsolved problems, but I dont think theyd interfere with this one)

One problem the course itself has is the fact that the tank still gets stuck on the terrain. I never tried adding the thruster to the actual center of the tracks though, like Ben originally implied might be the cause of this.
(At least I assume Ben still had this problem since he never presented a solution to it)

I’d prefer moving tracks, for example, but this was probably the simpler and more easily understandable among the two.

For now, I’m just living with no radial force acting, given that I’d expect projectiles to “penetrate” more than shake a tank’s armour.

So radial damage doesn’t work for you either or?

Whats weird about mine is that I get damage applied but only when I hit some kind of “sweet spot”, despite having the radius cranked up more then it even needs to be.

I can’t remember if I had to use radial damage or some other damage command to get it working at all though. But I think it was radial. Maybe I’ll have a closer look later with Dan’s update.

I meant radial force. I just reached the damage lecture. I hope these aren’t related - else I’d have to resort to profanity :rofl:

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ApplyRadialDamageWithFalloff() maybe?

Yeah it drives me mad too when they don’t account for the intrinsic amount of things that can go wrong lol…
And leave important things unexplained and often mislead the student.

Sometimes I maintain my sanity but often there is only so much I can handle.

I think the standard Apply Radial Damage worked but only sometimes; when hitting that random “sweet spot” on the tank pawn. Either that or I just used Apply Damage; but the sweet spot problem still persists. I opened up my project earlier but couldn’t find anything so it might be in c++. I’m investing my free time in the modeling course as of now though lol… , so I’ll have another look if Dan investigates later. It shouldn’t make much of a difference as of now.

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You could in the meantime explain your problem in more detail so that we can differentiate the problems if there are any significant differences.

Or you could explain how closely my problem correlates to yours. Like for instance have you tested ApplyRadialDamage in blueprints to see if this command works simply at all like I have; or done any other tests?

A link to your project might help aswell assuming @DanM will be returning to this topic later :smiley:

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I’ve pushed the commit where I use anything radial.

Can I be hopeful and use 4.16 to solve this?

The tanks log received damage. Mine is purely a problem with applying radial force.

Didn’t bore down to the specifics though - I’m just following through the course (n00b here :sweat_smile:)

You would need to do something like

float ToApply = Super::TakeDamage(DamageAmount, DamagaEvent, EventInstigator, DamageCauser);
float DamageToApply = FMath::Clamp<float>(ToApply, 0, this->CurrentHealth);

I’m not sure I follow?

What is this code in reference to? And what does this fix?

The problem is not the amount of damage applied but IF it is applied… i think?

Because when the damage finally DOES apply, it increments the values intended, such as 10, 50, or any other damage specified. At least I’m 99% sure I remember my health was decrementing correct values. (just there being that sweet spot problem)

If by some chance you missed it, the main problem here is radial impulse not working at all for this project.
(i dont think radial force was working either)

Hmm is this some kind of alternate technique or debug by damaging the player directly as opposed to adding a Radial Damage to the world?

Ehm… wouldn’t you need to do that in an on hit event for the pawn and figure out if it was hit by your projectile class for that?

That’s what I thought but I cloned @ShivamMukherjee’s repo and it worked fine though was 30 damage regardless of where it was hit. So I assumed what was meant that the damage wasn’t radial, as in direct hit being 30 and near shots being less than that.

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