Radeon RX 470

I have AMD RX 470 And it does not appear in HIP, and when I choose Radeon from output everything turned white with bad resolution, does not blender support my GPU or what !?

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What is HIP ?

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It is in system … It is beside Cuda and none … I dowloaded the amd support and installed from add ons and when i choose radeon from output it turned every thing to white color with bad resolution

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I’d never heard of it before but AMD Supports HIP-based Rendering for Blender 3.0 Beta - Architosh suggests you need to download some beta drivers for HIP. Oh, and another link shows older AMD such as RX 470/570 not supported by HIP. Not listed on: GPU Rendering — Blender Manual

Grant Abbitt suggested nVidia for Blender.

Though AMD “should” work in OpenCl mode (if it doesn’t run out of memory or something).


A little look via Google and it seems your card is too old to use this HIP thing.

May have to stick to CPU rendering.

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If you can’t get it working and want to use your GPU, you could try using AMD’s ProRender. I’ve never used it, I only know that it exists.


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