Question about sweep when calling AddActorWorldOffset() on a platform

I noticed that when I enable sweep on my moving platform, it jitters when I step on it (or stops entirely if it’s moving up).

I feel like I should enable sweep, since it’s colliding with the player, but it seems to break the wanted behavior.

What’s going here?

This shouldn’t happen. Without seeing any code however, I cannot assist. Will you share the code using the < / > toolbar icon (not screenshot please) and I shall take a look

Hi beegeedee, thanks for replying!

This is happening on the server. I tested it again. When standing on the platform, it will move down, but not up, if sweep is enabled. If it’s disabled, this doesn’t happen.

I also checked the object’s details in the editor and it has Simulate Physics disabled.

Here’s the code:

	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

	bReplicates = true;

void AMovingPlatform::BeginPlay()

	StartLocation = GetActorLocation();
	TargetLocation = GetTransform().TransformPosition(DestinationOffset);
	MoveDistance = (TargetLocation - StartLocation).Length();

void AMovingPlatform::Tick(float DeltaTime)

	if (HasAuthority()) 

void AMovingPlatform::MovePlatform(float DeltaTime)
    // Setting sweep to false (or default value) fixes the issue
	AddActorWorldOffset((TargetLocation - StartLocation) * DeltaTime / MoveSpeedSeconds, false);

	if (FVector::Distance(GetActorLocation(), StartLocation) > MoveDistance)

void AMovingPlatform::UpdateMoveTarget()

	FVector TempVector = TargetLocation;
	TargetLocation = StartLocation;
	StartLocation = TempVector;

Have you checked against the end of lecture code.?

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