Question about Key down

Is there a way I can check if any key is held down and return the key that’s held down?

switch (GetKeyDown())
        // UP
        case KEY_W:
        case KEY_UP:
            verticalInput = -1;

        // RIGHT
        case KEY_D:
        case KEY_RIGHT:
            horizontalInput = 1;

        // DOWN
        case KEY_S:
        case KEY_DOWN:
            verticalInput = 1;

        // LEFT
        case KEY_A:
        case KEY_LEFT:
            horizontalInput = -1;

            horizontalInput = 0;
            verticalInput = 0;

By design, Raylib is very limited in its capabilities. You would need to come up with the system yourself in this case but here are a few of hints.

  1. Create a bool that indicates if a button is being held down.
  2. Store the key that’s being held down in a variable (you can probably do something like int keyHeld = GetKeyPressed())
  3. Then, you can test if that key has been released using IsKeyUp(keyHeld)
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