Problems with fizzysteam and

Assets\Mirror\Runtime\Transport\FizzySteamworks\NextServer.cs(41,71): error CS7036: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter ‘arg3’ of ‘Action<int, TransportError, string>.Invoke(int, TransportError, string)’

Assets\Mirror\Runtime\Transport\FizzySteamworks\LegacyServer.cs(26,71): error CS7036: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter ‘arg3’ of ‘Action<int, TransportError, string>.Invoke(int, TransportError, string)’

I am not sure why I am getting this problem, also when downloading the package i did not get a steam_appid file in my root folder, not sure what i have done or if there is an updated lecture on steamworks?

public static NextServer CreateServer(FizzySteamworks transport, int maxConnections)


  NextServer s = new NextServer(maxConnections);

  s.OnConnected += (id) => transport.OnServerConnected.Invoke(id);

  s.OnDisconnected += (id) => transport.OnServerDisconnected.Invoke(id);

  s.OnReceivedData += (id, data, ch) => transport.OnServerDataReceived.Invoke(id, new ArraySegment<byte>(data), ch);

  s.OnReceivedError += (id, exception) => transport.OnServerError.Invoke(id, exception);

  if (!SteamManager.Initialized)


    Debug.LogError("SteamWorks not initialized.");



  return s;



Solution is follow the next lectures process of downloading all the mirror, Fizzysteam, Steamworks and SteamManager packages and scripts.

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