Problem with bounds!

here is my code:
#include “raylib.h”

#include “raymath.h”

#include “Character.h”

#include “Prop.h”

/////////////// MAIN //////////

int main()


const int windowWidth = 1024;                                                // width

const int windowHeight = 768;                                                // height

InitWindow(windowWidth, windowHeight, "2DAdventureDemo"); // load window

Vector2 mapPos = {0.0f, 0.0f};

const float mapScale{4.0f};

SetTargetFPS(60); // fps


Character knight{windowWidth, windowHeight};


Prop props[2]


    Prop{Vector2{600.0f, 300.0f}, LoadTexture("nature_tileset/Rock.png")},

    Prop{Vector2{400.0f, 500.0f}, LoadTexture("nature_tileset/Log.png")}



Texture2D Map = LoadTexture("nature_tileset/OpenWorldMap24x24.png"); // load texture

while (!WindowShouldClose())




    mapPos = Vector2Scale(knight.GetWorldPos(), -1.0f);

    // DRAW MAP

    DrawTextureEx(Map, mapPos, 0.0, mapScale, WHITE);

        for (auto Prop : props)






    //Map bounds

    if (knight.GetWorldPos().x < 0.f || knight.GetWorldPos().y < 0.f || knight.GetWorldPos().x + windowWidth > Map.width * mapScale || knight.GetWorldPos().y + windowHeight > Map.height * mapScale)









here is the character cpp:
#include “Character.h”

#include “raymath.h”

Character::Character(int winWidth, int winHeight)


width = texture.width / maxframes;

height = texture.height;

ScreenPos = {

    static_cast<float>(winWidth) / 2.0f - scale * (0.5f * width),

    static_cast<float>(winHeight) / 2.0f - scale * (0.5f * height)




void Character::Tick(float deltaTime)


worldPosLastFrame = WorldPos;

Vector2 direction{};

if (IsKeyDown(KEY_A))


    direction.x -= 1.0;


if (IsKeyDown(KEY_D))


    direction.x += 1.0;


if (IsKeyDown(KEY_W))


    direction.y -= 1.0;


if (IsKeyDown(KEY_S))


    direction.y += 1.0;


if (Vector2Length(direction) != 0)


    WorldPos = Vector2Add(WorldPos, Vector2Scale(Vector2Normalize(direction), speed));

    direction.x < 0.f ? RightLeft = -1.0f : RightLeft = 1.0f;

    texture = Run;




    texture = Idle;


RunningTime += deltaTime;

if (RunningTime >= updateTime)



    RunningTime = 0.f;

    if (frame > maxframes)


        frame = 0.f;




Rectangle source{frame * width, 0.0f, RightLeft * width, height};

Rectangle dest{ScreenPos.x, ScreenPos.y, scale * width, scale * height};

DrawTexturePro(texture, source, dest, Vector2{}, 0.f, WHITE);


void Character::UndoMovement()


WorldPos = worldPosLastFrame;

Here is the header:
#include “raylib.h”

#include “raymath.h”

class Character



Character(int winWidth, int winHeight);

void Tick(float deltaTime);

Vector2 GetWorldPos()


    return WorldPos;


void UndoMovement();



 // right left movement

float RightLeft = 1.0f;

// Anim variables

float RunningTime{};

int frame{};

int maxframes{6};

float updateTime{1.f / 12.f};

float speed{4.0f};

float width{};

float height{};

Texture2D texture{LoadTexture("characters/knight_idle_spritesheet.png")};

Texture2D Idle{LoadTexture("characters/knight_idle_spritesheet.png")};

Texture2D Run{LoadTexture("characters/knight_run_spritesheet.png")};

Vector2 ScreenPos{};

Vector2 WorldPos{};

Vector2 worldPosLastFrame{};

float scale{4.0f};

i have a problem with the bounds as you see in the picture, it starts way to early and cuts off large portion of the map how do i fix this?

Short answer: set windowWidth and windowHeight to 600 as per the course.

Longer answer:

DrawTextureEx does some weird scaling based on the initial width and height set for the game window, causing the map to look larger than it should be. I don’t know the underlying mechanics as to why but for now please make sure that both windowWidth and windowHeight are set to 600.

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