Probably a simple problem to solve on the armature and IK

Hey! Let me know if I need to include more details, but my sphere has managed to detach itself from the top bone of the armature. Tried parenting it and everything and it didn’t seem to work, may just be a silly mistake by me but curious if anybody could help me. Enjoying the course! Thanks in advance (image below)

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It’s ok. The sphere control bone is meant to move independently outside of the rest of the rig. If it is parented to the rig you will get some strange movement. Just go into pose mode, select the sphere, and press alt+g to reset its location.


Hey, quick follow up. Sphere seems to have unparented to the bone or something, because when I try to move it in pose mode the sphere just moves and the lampshade does not rotate. It was working before- just not sure what happened. Any ideas?

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