Prevent keylistening while typing in inputfield

Hi Community,

I was wondering why there was no question about this issue.
While typing into the inputfield the savingwrapper is still listening to the input keys. So if I type a “L” in my name it’s loading the current save file. Or tiping n “S” will overwrite my current save file?
I can’t find any way to disable key listeners while the inputfield is focused without writing some extra complicated classes…

Any suggestions to this problem?

Greetings Ben

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By the end of the Menu section, the S and L keys become completely irrelevant, as we’ll be doing it all through menus. My solution was simply to remove them from SavingWrapper.

You could also test to see if the SceneManager.buildSceneIndex (I think that’s right) is >0 before invoking the S and L keys.

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