Player scale gets distorted when dragged inside Player Rig

When I grab the prefab I like and place in the scene it’s scale is 1 1 1. I’m happy with the size and don’t adjust it. Then I drag it and place inside Payer Rig. It still looks the same, visually nothing changes. But it’s scale becomes 0.2 0.5 0.2. Not a big problem except when I make a prefab from it, the prefab gets super distorted as it adjusts 0.2 0.5 0.2 to be 1 1 1. As you can imagine, it gets stretched along Y axis.
Why does the scale change when dragging into Player Rig?

One more question. Why is it bad to change scale? Surely if I keep the ration the same using “enable constrained proportions” its ok? I mean I have no control what size the assets are if I get them from the store. So changing the scale is the only way? Or is there a different correct way to adjust object size if it came from asset store?

Hi Terraromaster,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

The Transform values are always relative to the parent game object. Always make sure that the parent has got the same numbers in the 3 scale fields: (x, x, x) where x is a positive float value. Otherwise, if you rotate the game object, the children get distorted.

If you need different values, the fastest solution is to move the mesh to a child game object, scale the child as you wish, and leave the parent alone. If you rotate the unmodified parent, the child won’t get distorted.

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Yes, this is perfect. Thank you so much for a prompt and clear reply!

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